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Everything posted by H4mm3r

  1. Ok finished testing the mass scan option on 46K png sample :). It took amazingly fast 639s or a bit more than 10 minutes. That is roughly 5x faster than pbssc tool! Good job once more Singh ;) Also I'm loving the new delete flagged feature since it allows for continuous scan and pbss review on the fly. Pretty neat!
  2. Excellent news, can't wait! :) I already have 46K pbscreens pngs waiting to test your tool. I timed pbssc tool and it took 49 minutes :S. I know I'm probably limited by my HDD speed(it's regular drive and not ssd), but still I'd like to see how your tool handles this job :).
  3. Hi Singh I have a question. Have you thought about implementing an option/functionality that will do the following: -search a specific(new) directory for pbss; can be named "external downloads" or whatever; user could be copy/pasting pngs into this directory -perform a multihtreaded scan for color codes on these that you have implemented for standard DL and scan process -copy the flagged images to standard "flagged" folder Pbssc tool can do this but the scanning is pretty slow process and can take a long time even on 40K images (which is not that much). Regards hammer
  4. Saul is da man! :D
  5. Never cheat ever again in anything else and you will have nothing to worry about.
  6. Number of BF4 bans was not >3000 ;). It's been maybe 1300 or so before the last banwave that started a ~week ago.
  7. When MP works(ie. you don't crash,lag etc.) it's very good gameplay experience. But when it does not work, which 30% of the time in my experience, it's very frustrating... Hopefully they iron out the bugs soon, I'm not gonna buy premium in current state of the game.
  8. Currently: AMD X4 750K OCed @ 4.3Ghz, air cooled Crucial 8GB DDR3 1600Mhz (2x4GB DC) AMD Radeon 6870 1GB core OCed @ 950Mhz, memory stock Asrock FM2A75 Pro4-M BF4 performance is solid, 35-37fps (min) and ~60-70fps max(vsync on). Average fps 40-50.
  9. Fps counter : stat fps in console.
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