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Streaming Admin
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Everything posted by TommyGun

  1. Thank You!
  2. In team information area of account management. Need to change Tags and Clan Name
  3. Hello, I changed my clan name to TommyGun and the website won't let me change all the information. It allowed me to change web address and website email address. Did I miss a button some ware? Thanks GunOil
  4. Thank You Everyone that stepped up to the plate this month with donations.\ Now, lets keep it going!!! I looked at new previews of COD2 world war 2 and it is no better than cod2. Activision is trying to ruin this game. Made 7 phone calls to their support about connection problems with GUID KEY DUPLICATE with no0 response. Call them to @ 1-310-225-271
  5. Pretty shallow answer.
  6. Hello, How did you guys obtain thie rights to run PBBans after punkbuster did not support cod2? How could I get the rights to do that if PBBans goes down? Sincerely, L&L8GunOil
  7. I agree, Charge admins that use it. To many getting by donating nothing!
  8. I just donated $100... Can you Match L&L*GunOils donation? Let's see who can step up to the plate.
  9. Come on everyone. don't let this service go down! everyone donate that uses this forum $1 dollor this month. Don't let Activision kill this game. Call of Duty 2 is the Best Online Game ever made, By far. This don't only hurt the online clan's, it hurts the server companies to! We all lose. As an clan admin. I have 1000's of hours in building our website and not to mention the loyal clan members. Sincerely, L&L*GunOil
  10. I was told last night by =EM=Clan that it is a problem with Activision GUID checking server and that they are aware of the problem and working on it.
  11. We have fast redirects for downloading , but this has been just for the past 3 weeks.
  12. Don't understand? We are streaming PBBans. or do you mean Actavision?
  13. forgot to tell you this has been going on for 2 weeks
  14. Hello PBBans, The Cod 2 servers lately are having problems logging into their servers, not only our clan but other clans are complaining to. What is happing is it will take up to 1 to 32 connections or more sometimes to get into the game, then the server disconnects on entry or it hangs and says Awaiting Key Code Authorization. Is this a problem with PBBans? Please advise. Thanks L&L*GunOil
  15. Been sending L&L*Members over to donate. I forwarded your post to all my members. If PBBans goes under COD2 will a hackers dream and that's when the game will die.
  16. Good job PBBANS.
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