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Everything posted by XaosBr

  1. I do not trust anything that comes from Avast.
  2. Me and my clan have played bf4 since the launch, as already mentioned above the experience is good in cases in which the player tries to disfigure to the maximum, more accusing without concrete evidence it is difficult to apply a fair ban, Ban locally can solve the problem for now.
  3. The tools are there to help you manage and keep you clean and fair. Answering the question: yes it is possible
  4. Thanks
  5. How are the numbers of players online? Many of my friends bought the game at the beginning, but now they have stopped playing, In the loop many clans shut down their BF4 servers, to join the BF1, but now I see that they have linked their servers back to BF4.
  6. Punkbuster seems to lose space in the gaming market
  7. My feelings for the loss :(
  8. R.I.P Battlefild
  9. I and my clan we were looking forward to this title more came first the value of the game, then came the beta did not please us, has nothing surpriendente, besides the huge amount of cheaters :( :( :(
  10. Processor (AMD): AMD FX-6350 I'm phenom II x4 965 playing more than 60 fps in ultra with gtx 980
  11. :biglol:
  12. https://www.origin.com/en-us/store/buy/battlefield-1/pc-download/base-game/ultimate-edition#details
  13. I'm getting this error http://imgur.com/a/qE7iR
  14. I'm not sure it is bug, because I can never hit the right configuration to use, someone who uses in pbscreens can help.
  15. I can not add pbscreens server to use, anyone can help? http://imgur.com/a/wvtdG
  16. can someone help set PBSS v0.9.4 scanner?
  17. I was I my friends talking about the high price of BF1, and they talked about the possibility of buying the Russian origin using VPN or proxy, and the price here for us is R $ 289.00, 35% of the minimum wage, really expensive, use this type of mechanism to buy is a violation of the terms and services of EA, any friend can tell me if this is true?
  18. 100 free PBSS is really very little, my server for a day 1000-2000, free account without supporting connection when server goes down or restarted, or any other error, one connected premium account never falls. This is my pbsv.cfg only apply is already added pbbans, do not forget to save and restart the server https://1drv.ms/t/s!AvvyTMeczavsiG5z-26PAlgGgedU thanks
  19. Manual add server pbscreens.com please
  20. apparently you do not quite know what to do, a question you already have account https://pbscreens.com
  21. Step enable pb screenshot in i3d panel http://imgur.com/n6zoYA4 Second step, copy pbscreens CFG and apply on the server. http://imgur.com/aDF3AW6 Last step, apply the chi pbscreens cfg. http://imgur.com/qruit0b ;)
  22. It seems to be the same topic https://www.pbbans.com/forums/screen-anticheat-t204070.html
  23. BF4 was worse ever released to date, in my opinion, I liked much of BFH, less bug in the game more fluid connection, we expect to draw conclusions. we expect to draw conclusions we expect to draw conclusions we expect to draw conclusions
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