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Everything posted by {TTS}DRAKO

  1. dont forget its cheap!!!!!
  2. yes please, i want to be in the god level? :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
  3. cheers thanks, were can i get the 1.2 patch all i have seen is the 1.1, i run it last night.
  4. hey dep, got ip's? or were can i find them so i can try them.
  5. I just got the game with my new 6800 nvidia card and IT ROCKS, ill be playing it for awhile. Anybody else playing it?
  6. OK EB has replied to my email. Hello, There IS an issue with a periodic system lag, but it has nothing to do with the AMD64, more to do with the mobo and the chipset and drivers. We are working to get this issue resolved, also, Many people say that this happen on a ATI system and not an Nvidia GFX gfx card. We are looking into ATI driver conflicts as well. -Stuart
  7. one of my clan mates has asked me about this.
  8. ya i locked mine at 250, only get that in a few maps it stays at 125 or so for he most part.
  9. i was in a map last night pulling 600 fps and oh man does it lag out and lock up, i had to set it to 300.
  10. thanks for the help guys but the v-sync in game setting was on, that fixed it, its staying around 350 now allote higher in some other maps but its better then 60 lol, and if you set (com_maxfps +) you will get pretty good results also. I didn't think it would get that high with the settings I run but that fps would double i bet if i turned everything down lol.
  11. ya i have seen that.
  12. yes its off on the video card. but I forgot all about the ingame setting SOB!! i spent for ever trying to figure this out, owell i learned some cool stuff while researching thow LOL. Ill try the ingame setting when i get home to see what happens.
  13. FPS we have all tried to perfect this with getting as many as we can, but I have an issue. I run a 5900 ultra nvidia card and i have just noticed after player since sof1 that my FPS peaks out at 59/60 no matter the server or the map, never goes higher or lower just toggles back and forth 59/60. I have tried the screen res and everything, maxfps is set to 0 and virtcal sync is off. Im at a loss any ideas? cpu-3.4 pen ram-2gig pc3200 PS- 420
  15. :?: :?: still waiting :?: :?:
  16. i want to see them too, test us please!
  17. there is voice in IRC?? LMAO guess i should turn on the speakers, wait i dont have any on that PC thats why NM lol
  18. does no body use peels ss veiwer, you all may hate him but dam if aint broke dont fix it, that little viewer is the best. I check over 1,000 ss a day and after the server hits 2000 it restarts and overwrights.
  19. also the server takes the screen shots in PNG format, it has to be in that format to get ban. the png file typ you can open with a editor of any kind and tell if they have added or removed something, YOU CANT HIDE IT thats why when you see a tamperd image its a jpeg or gif or one of the others, not the real png. i wouldn't worry about it anyway allote of us have seen millions of SS, its easy to spot a fake. just remeber if your looking at ss and there not in png format then there is no reason to look at them. get my drift.
  20. I posted a warrning, 3 strikes your out I run very liitle maps with fog but with the pure and unpure bug that file can be used anywere almost.
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