I did a search and the problem is you have 2 forum accounts
Soldier .... being this one.....is not associated with any PBBans accounts
Rabid_Soldier .... being the one that is associated with the Rabid Clan account.
Based on the images above, I would agree that you were viewing the console messages.
However, keep in mind that we do not pass judgement on images that are posted and do not come from servers streaming to PBBans.
This is solely a personal opinion and not an opinion of PBBans.com
If you can't get it taken care of following the instructions there, you can contact me in IRC or MSN.
Verts Mum....
Verts asked a simple question:
After asking him for more information regarding his request, I was obliged to carry out his request and stop his server's streaming to PBBans.
He wanted to allow his mate to play on his server....even if his mate was banned for cheating!
Not exactly rocket science is necessary to figure out where Verts' priorities lie.
Sad that he had to get his mum to post here....leads me to believe that Verts is a bit on the young side and his decision making isn't exactly up to par.
You said you wanted to stop streaming.......I stopped your streaming........
My comment referencing "enjoy the hackers".....was stating a fact.....without PBBans added protections.....your server will be a welcome playground for hackers.......wasn't implying that you worshipped them.
You have got to be joking........again you are publically stating that you would prefer that hackers play on your server than have it protected by PBBans?
lol.....I think then if your mate cheating is more important to you....then your priorities are in the wrong community. It is obvious that you do not support a zero tolerance policy.
It is the server admin's responsibility to ensure their servers are still streaming. The easiest way to do this is to visit the site often. Your servers fell inactive and our system disables the streaming after a few days of inactivity.
Also, in the future please try and not post in another's thread....create your own. This will help us stay focused on your issue without having to answer multiple issues in one thread.