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Everything posted by Dwarden

  1. i'm watching You from shadows ;)
  2. you missed i speak about PB_RCON usage not RCON itself i speak about commands executed THROUGHT PB_RCON or PB Webtool not commands executed directly to game server engine (ie telnet etc) ... server log = PB server log (located in PBSVLOGS ) remote log = syslog feature in PB existing for ages, similar or same to that repository system, if improvements were made then i'm only happy ...
  3. to be fair, most usefull stuff about rep and database of GUID/NAME/IP is chance to easier detect leaked keys ... but again there is chance of failture rate because of dynamic IPs + changes of IP ranges between various ISP (i have seen that and discussed with developers of one very popular IP tracking tool) ... so what was OK for 1 year in geoIP db, can be problem next year and vice versa ... so the flag 100% leaked key is not possible to use always ...
  4. wrong [05.31.2004 01:10:55] PB_RCON pb_sv_rcon 100 password from Dwarden [05.31.2004 01:11:17] PB_RCON password blabla from Dwarden ... this was taken from server log and from remote log ...
  5. 1) one of use of repository is database of IP / GUID / NickName in this time of dynamic IPs, various proxies and port tunnels and so on it's slowly lowering on my importance "to have it" list, with introducion of IPv6 this become just NickName / GUID db that is what i see as real good one, problem is usually streaming server admin not get access to full database, just can search etc. 2) another in line can be semi-global ban list for various violations and md5tool checks ... this bring another issue, we already know cheaters moved theirs stuff outside game folders and md5tool scans catching just some n00b cheaters which fails at PB main scans so or so also this bring up so called mistakes and false with #9002 and #80023 violations use (see AMBL from Punk s Busted ). it's good thing but ... for serious use too big chance to failture rate ... there 3 issues above are more likely to raise another bug (ie #120004 GameHook problem from PrettySadBusiness banning people from theirs auto repository system, it took 1-2 days till EBI fixed it and another day till such GH is removed from auto repository) ... i'm sure u get what i mean with errors - for that guy commenting password stuff, firstly it was meant for Unreal engine games (AA, RS, SCPT) and BF games.... also i see it can be same problem for JO second in line, there is chance it was fixed in past as nearly every of bugs and issues i mentioned to EBI ... third same goes about optimizations in comm ...
  6. the repository which was used in early versions was pure syslog system... what is used now i dont follow ... anyway check this pb_rcon set password mynewpassword if this line is streamed to repository then i suggest You call for repository streaming update, anyline which contain *passw* should be removed and not streamed ... same goes about optimizing what is streamed to repository server and what not ... let say i run each 3 minutes 22 pb_Sv_file and each 30 minutes 250 md5tool checksums not to mention each 5 minutes 10 pb_sv_task ... you sure can imagine that traffic ... i'm for beta testing this if these main issues are resolved ...
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