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Everything posted by F1r3St0rm

  1. Topic Title: Hub Game: SOF2 Clantag: =]sW[=
  2. Hub Game: SOF2 Clantag: =]sW[=
  3. BlackViper Talk to me tomorrow night after 19.00PM GMT. One map have bugs = wallhack, and other don't work. [[]]
  4. I agree to but signed. 1047. [[]]
  5. BlackViper.... more news about this league or not ? [[]]
  6. Hi. i have this posted in my personal forum and i get some sugesttions by portuguese players: Player [nomercy]w@rrior Em relação a INF 2v2 inf 5v5 (6v6) inf Em relação a CTF 5v5 (6v6) ctf 3v3 ctf Player [scorpio] 5on5 ctf 3on3 ctf 5on5 inf 30n3 inf 2on2 inf 3on3 vip 1on1 inf [[]]
  7. Ya ...:D good ideia. i am apreciate the DEMOLITION mode in our league.....;) 1on1 2v2 ctf 3v3 cft 5v5 (6v6) ctf 2v2 inf 3v3 inf 5v5 (6v6) inf 2v2 demolitition 3v3 dem 5v5(6v6) dem 2v2 VIP 3v3 VIP 5v5 (6v6) VIP go on one map to demolition: hos2 (hospital) [[]]
  8. other clan to beta tests...:D PSYCHOS@PT [email protected] ps: sry... i am already registered in league... only after regitered me and my clan i see that we can register yet...:D sry [[]]
  9. If you need some help... and if you want... here i am... [[]]
  10. I am interest... F*** CB.
  11. Ya, put here to download some that help us to see the logs from pb...:D tks [[]]
  12. This cvar caught was in server streaming to our servers, so ALL LOGS are credible. All ban gave by repository parser are from streaming servers. So yes, he must try some cheat or just use a cfg from one friend or put in console this command but one thing is truth: this is a valid ban. Otherwise admin servers have the ability to chosse pbbans.dat with or without cvars and md5tool. cheers [[]] PS: i trust in myself only.
  13. Maybe not, maybe yes.... Who knows ? Must i believe in your words ? Can you prove what are you saying ? These files are from one known cheat, that's the reason that you have a ban. I can believe in you, but i can't be sure that you are speaking the true..... It's just my opinion. [[]]
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