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I have a 50 slot COD4 server up and running. It is currently on the HC TDM gamtype. It has about 8 maps it rotates through.


Tonight at 9pm EST I want to try to get as many players as I can in there to test the load of the server. My host wants to see how good it does with a lot of players in it.


Server Settings:


Gametype: TDM

Mode: Hardcore

Slot Size: 50

Time Limit: 20 Minutes Per Round

Respawn Timer: 2 second delay


Here is the banner for it:




Hope to see you there.




TDM.... ewwwww. The person who invented TDM should be waterboarded without mercy. :bonk:


There'll always be different tastes. I love TDM, don't really like HC mode, but that's just me. I'm still gonna go jump on later and help give this baby a test-drive. UrGonnaDie has a 46(or is it 48 slot?) TDM HC server, and everytime I've been on it it's just mayhem and chaos.....lol. It's not for everyone, but if you approach it with the idea of having fun, there's plenty of good times to go around.



Posted (edited)

I'm in the UK but yeah I'll jump on for a little while, if you want to give it a try out. Added to favs but my ping is terrible, 204 :blink:


50 slots is insane though, no small maps please :P

Edited by xX_Renegade_Xx

Thank you all for the games. My host and I appreciate you all coming in and helping to test out the server.


Thanks again.




Thank you very much Taz, that was good fun, hope the server test went ok :)

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