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[KICKED] File Whitelist 'model_pics'


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I have been getting this a lot recently and have not been able to find anything on it with any of my searches. It is a 2 min kick and sometimes I can play for 5 minutes and other times for hours on end on the same server.


I have updated PB manually and normally that fixes the issue. Might this be caused by one of the MODs.


Thanks for any help.

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The message is as follows:







maldar PunkBuster kicked player 'maldar'

(for 2 minutes) ... [File Whitelist 'model_pics']








I cannot get a screen shot of it for some reason. If I think about it I will take a pic of my monitor the next time it happens.

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I would try removing any mods for the game, and see if it happens in stock servers. You might also need to rename your current pb folder to pb_old, then create a new pb folder and run the pbsetup.exe file from it, thus creating completely new pb files from scratch. Worst case scenario, remove the game and then re-install it as a whole.



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It is a stock server that I get this message one. I will try creating a new pb folder, but I'm wondering if something got changed in my model_pics folder.


I had something like MD5 tools causing me to be kicked and all I had to do was delete the txt file. That was Mod related though.


If all else fails I will reinstall the game. I was planning on converting this drive back to XP 32-bit anyways, so this will give me a reason to do so. It would be nice to see if my game still freezes after that.



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