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Account help...


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I was one of three co-founders of a clan. Recently, the other two clan members left and I am the sole founder of my clan. We used to have PBBans streaming and I noticed that it hasn't been notifying me of any new gamebans. I looked into it and noticed that we arent getting a live stream to PBBans. After some light reading, I updated the config file through RCON commands. However, it still isn't working. One of the co-founders who got us streaming PBBans refuses to answer my e-mail with the info I need and now I'm stuck with a server that can't stream to PBBans and I can't access the account to manage it! Ughhhh....


Somebody please help!!! What do I do?






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Acct number would help, to save us searching. A game server IP/port would also help, if we have to search, to find the initial account. Clan-tags used would be some verification. Not an end-all, though, some patience will be involved, as we check it all, to ensure quality.


Make sure you read thru the ToS again, and that you meet the streaming requirements.



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