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Posted (edited)

Sorry for my poor english, 'will do my best !

first your server is awesome, I love playing BC2 ViêtNam And populated servers starts to be rare.


I was banned for racism to my depent..


I was earing a song from Danjo soundtrack, There came a time on the song named Black coffins, where a men said "hoo you one lucky n^&$#" and I was killed by a medic GI.. on same time.. for joking I said the same thing and be banned..


I understand fully why I was banned, I am a mature player,

I do not really mean what I said at this time and there was nothing serious in it.

I apologize sincerely yours And I do not do it again.


Please let me a chance to came back


Thank you. :bigtup:

Edited by HSMagnet

unless you know the server name or head admin is im not sure that pbbans can point you in the right direction


Server: |DPG| Chicago Vietnam PBbans + B3 thadpg.com


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