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Is this bannable?


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Last few weeks I've been seeing some CVAR violations, *removed* for example. I thought I read somewhere, or even asked here, what it was and if it was bannable?


And also, what does Cvar cg_errordecay do and is it bannable?

Edited by Benway
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cg_errordecay controls how fast a prediction error is decayed off to smooth out any jerkiness. A prediction error is, very basically, what occurs when the client and server disagree on the location you're in.


so no not banable :)

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Last few weeks I've been seeing some CVAR violations, *removed* for example. I thought I read somewhere, or even asked here, what it was and if it was bannable?

Yes its a hack cvar
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  • 2 weeks later...

To my understanding *removed* (either set to 0 or 1) controls the norecoil hack of gna bot and gna based bots. So yes it would be bannable, for if they have the norecoil hack they would have to have the gamehook loaded, therefore all they would have to do to start hackin' is set g_aim to 1 or 2 and/or g_wh to 1, and you got a aimbotter/wallhacker. That's besides the fact that they are using a norecoil hack :P.

Edited by Benway
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