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Dear, I need your help, I follow all the steps but I can not get my America's Army Proving Grounds server to use streaming full.
Can you help me ??
The ip is:

  DWT Server: [slot] [Type] [Mask] [Name]
DWT server: 1 1 pbbhub2-1
DWT Server: 2 1 pbbhub3-1
DWT Server: 3 1 pbbhub3-2
DWT Server: 4 1 pbbhub3-3
DWT Server: End of PB UCON Profile List (4 Entries)

Java ok.

What I see that what is the game America's Army Proving Grounds is quite outdated in security, is that? Give me a hand ??

Sorry my english is not very good :rolleyes:


use 7778 port



---------- Account Information ----------
Team: Mauricio De La Sotta (DWT│)
Website: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/DIES-WORLD-TACTICALS
Account ID: 16508
Streaming Status: Streaming (1 / 2)

---------- Server List ----------
AAPG -  (Streaming)

---------- User List ----------
Vlad_Tepes. (232871)

---------- Helpful Links ----------
Account Management
CVAR / MD5 Scans (Setup and Use)
PBBans Hub Flags
Master Player Index
Automated Streaming Setup
Not Streaming Fix

  • Upvote 1

Dear, excellent advice and thank you very much.
Now all ok, but the cheater theme has boring me on other servers, as I can access more security for my server. The truth is that I am not very good with English and I am Spanish-speaking, there is someone who can help me, I am willing to give full access to my server while they can help me.


You have applications for full protection, I really want to postulate to that and start eliminating cheats as soon as possible.

... another thing, (within the created profile) where it says "name" or "team" Mauricio De La Sotta (it's my name) you can edit and place the name of my clan (DWT | Dies World Tacticals) by a theme Security .. I really check and I can not find how to edit it.

From now, thank you very much and greetings from Chile.  ^_^ 


i will try to direct a Spanish speaking Staff member this way


i will change name




first huge problem i see with you getting full streaming



PBBans require a working website from each streaming applicant. The website needs to include such things as a team roster, server information and a forum for discussion with team members.
It is mandatory to have the team roster, a section of the forum and server information public (can be viewed without registering).
A league website link, battlelog, steam, Xfire etc etc is not an accepted website, the website must be a unique web presence that directly relates to your clan/group.




Team name changed


---------- Account Information ----------
Team: (DWT | Dies World Tacticals (DWT│)
Website: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/DIES-WORLD-TACTICALS
Account ID: 16508
Streaming Status: Streaming (1 / 1)

---------- Server List ----------
AAPG -  (Streaming)

---------- User List ----------
Vlad_Tepes. (232871)

---------- Helpful Links ----------
Account Management
CVAR / MD5 Scans (Setup and Use)
PBBans Hub Flags
Master Player Index
Automated Streaming Setup
Not Streaming Fix


Thanks, in Spanish for me it is easier to understand everything that is configuration :D , but I do not lose the fight to learn.

Thank you very much !! B)

  • Upvote 1
  On 7/12/2017 at 6:17 AM, Vlad_Tepes. said:

hooo hablas algo de español ?? :D


sorry, no.


i know how to ask for a beer and where is the bathroom :cheers_3:

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