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Im having prob with PB on my server. :angry:

1 - PB alway kick players cause CVAR_something (many cvars) :angry:

2 - PB always Kick players cause many TK but the players are just killing yours enemys. :lol:

PB is crazy ??? :blink: I configured it wrong ??? :blink: I need to reinstall it ??? :blink:

:unsure: :unsure: ...What i need to do ??? :unsure:


Im having prob with PB on my server. :angry:

1 - PB alway kick players cause CVAR_something (many cvars) :angry:

2 - PB always Kick players cause many TK but the players are just killing yours enemys. :lol:

PB is crazy ??? :blink: I configured it wrong ??? :blink: I need to reinstall it ??? :blink:

:unsure: :unsure: ...What i need to do ??? :unsure:

It sound like you misconfigured your cvar checks and TK settings.

You should recheck your PB configs.


Also check the g_teamDamageRestriction and g_minHits setting of your server config file (etpub/noquarter settings). They are responsible for configuring when to kick players due to team damage.


I like to use smiles on forums, yet i dont smile in real life cuz im a cranky old man :D :) ;) :rolleyes:


Also check the g_teamDamageRestriction and g_minHits setting of your server config file (etpub/noquarter settings). They are responsible for configuring when to kick players due to team damage.

PB always Kick players cause many TK but the players are just killing yours enemys.


Does this command will resolve it ???


Hmm, ok first some explanation about the etpub/noquarter team damage restriction:


g_teamDamageRestriction is the maximum allowed percentage of team hits in relation to all hits (e.g. 5 teammate hits and 20 overall hits = 25% team hits)

g_minHits is the minimum amount of hits to begin taking into account the team damage restriction.


Example: g_minhits = 10, g_teamdamagerestriction = 50

The player hits 6 times a teammate and then only hits enemies. But when he fired the 10th shot (4 enemy hits), he has 60% team hits and gets kicked, although he stopped shooting teammates.





Another possibility:

Do you have etadminmod installed and teamkill restriction enabled?

Please check these settings too.


Here some explanation:



# teamkill_restricion


# this is experimental feature, which you can

# use to auto kick players, that make much more

# tks, then everything else. Aggressive teamkillers

# are first warned, then kicked.


# Explanation how it works:

# For every kill players get a positive

# score (see tk_kill_bonus), for every teamkill

# the player gets negative one:


# -0.65 for a kill with a airstrike or artillery

# -0.75 for a teamkill with (grenade, panzer, rifle, mortar or mg42)

# -0.00 for a teamkill with a mine

# -1 for a normal TK with all other weapons.

# +1 if you make a revive

# +"tk_kill_bonus" for a kill


# lower_limit 0 upper_limit

# |----|---------|------------|

# ^ ^ ^

# | warning start

# kick


# if a player gets under the (tk_lower_limit +1) he gets a warning.

# As soon as he comes below the tk_lower_limit he gets kicked.

# If you want to test this feature, then set "tk_warnonly = 1".

# Normal players tend to play at the upper limit (tk_upper_limit)


# teamkill_restrictions on(1)/off(0)

teamkill_restriction = 1


# tk_lower_limit is the amount of negative points

# needed for a player to get kicked.

tk_lower_limit = -3


# tk_upper_limit

# This is the maximal points, which can be archived as "bonus"

tk_upper_limit = 3


# This is the amount of points, players get for a normal kill

# to increase the tk_index (max=tk_upper_limit)

# this option can be seen as a tk/kill percentage.

# If you want allow one TEAMKILL on 4 kills, then set this to 0.25

tk_kill_bonus = 0.25


# If you set tk_warnokly, then players, that

# drop below tk_lower_limit are not kicked (only warned)

# use this for testing, if you unsure about your settings.

tk_warnonly = 0


# If you set tk_except_admins, then admins (all lvl1+)

# players are excluded from the teamkill_restriction

tk_except_admins = 0

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