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need help with no quater map configuration

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i have change my map .cfg file several diffewrent ways and i cant get it to work ill paste it in my post

set d_initial "set g_gametype 2 ; map oasis ; set nextmap vstr d2"

set d2 "set g_gametype 2 ; map caen2 ; set nextmap vstr d3â€

set d3 "set g_gametype 2 ; map baserace ; set nextmap vstr d5â€

set d5 “set g_gametype 2 ; map venice ; set nextcampaign vstr d6â€

set d6 "campaign cmpgn_northafrica ; set nextcampaign vstr d7"

set d7 "campaign cmpgn_centraleurope ; set nextmap vstr d2"

vstr d_initial

any help would be appreated i will also post server.cfg file im using

// Passwords & Clients

set sv_maxclients "32"

set g_password ""

set sv_privateclients "0"

set sv_privatepassword "ADMIN: password removed"

set rconpassword ""

set refereePassword ""


// DL, Rate

set sv_maxRate "25000"

set sv_dl_maxRate "480000"

set sv_allowDownload "1"

set sv_wwwDownload "1"

set sv_wwwBaseURL "http://totalnnihilationclan.com"

set sv_wwwDlDisconnected "0"

set sv_wwwFallbackURL ""



set sv_hostname " ^0[^1TA^0] ^2CLAN"

set server_motd0 "^7Running ^8NQ^7 Version 1.0.4"

set server_motd1 "^7XP Limit 15000!"

set server_motd2 "^7WWW.TACENTRAL.ORG"



set g_vulnerableweapons "15"

set g_useralliedrespawntime 10

set g_useraxisrespawntime 10

set g_heavyWeaponRestriction "50"

set g_antilag "1"

set g_altStopwatchMode "0"

set g_autofireteams "1"

set g_complaintlimit "6"

set g_ipcomplaintlimit "3"

set g_fastres "0"

set g_friendlyFire "0"

// set g_gametype "4"

set g_spawnInvul "3"

set g_minGameClients "1"

set g_maxlives "0"

set g_alliedmaxlives "0"

set g_axismaxlives "0"

set g_teamforcebalance "1"

set g_noTeamSwitching "0"

set g_voiceChatsAllowed "4"

set g_doWarmup "1"

set g_warmup "20"

set g_inactivity "600"

set g_spectatorInactivity "0"

set sv_floodProtect "1"

set sv_allowDownload "1"

set sv_pure "1"

set sv_minping "0"

set sv_maxping "300"

set match_latejoin "1"

set match_minplayers "0"

set match_mutespecs "0"

set match_readypercent "10"

set match_timeoutcount "0"

set match_warmupDamage "1"

set team_maxplayers "0"

set team_nocontrols "1"

set pmove_fixed "0"

set pmove_msec "8"

set g_speed "420"

set g_teamforcebalance "1"

set g_landminetimeout "1"


// Class Specific

set g_medics "24"

set g_engineers "3"

set g_covertops "31"

set g_sk5_battle "1"

set g_sk5_lightweap "1"

set g_sk5_cvops "7"

set g_sk5_eng "127"

set g_sk5_fdops "3"

set g_sk5_medic "243"

set g_sk5_soldier "7"



set g_covertopsChargeTime "30000"

set g_engineerChargeTime "30000"

set g_LTChargeTime "35000"

set g_medicChargeTime "30000"

set g_soldierChargeTime "30000"

//set g_ammoRechargeTime "1"

//set g_healthRechargeTime "1"



set g_lms_teamForceBalance "1"

set g_lms_roundlimit "3"

set g_lms_matchlimit "2"

set g_lms_currentMatch "0"

set g_lms_lockTeams "0"

set g_lms_followTeamOnly "1"



set g_allowVote "1"

set vote_limit "5"

set vote_percent "50"

set vote_allow_comp "0"

set vote_allow_gametype "0"

set vote_allow_kick "1"

set vote_allow_map "1"

set vote_allow_matchreset "0"

set vote_allow_mutespecs "0"

set vote_allow_nextmap "1"

set vote_allow_pub "0"

set vote_allow_referee "0"

set vote_allow_shuffleteams "1"

set vote_allow_swapteams "0"

set vote_allow_friendlyfire "1"

set vote_allow_timelimit "0"

set vote_allow_warmupdamage "0"

set vote_allow_antilag "0"

set vote_allow_balancedteams "0"

set vote_allow_muting "1"






set g_log "etserver.log"

set g_logsync 2

set logfile 0


// Map Rotation

exec tacustom1.cfg


set com_watchdog_cmd "exec tacustom1.cfg"


// Shoutcaster

set g_shoutcastpassword "ADMIN: password removed"


// g_msgs - Duration between banner messages setting g_msgX cvars,


set g_msgs 30


// 0 - Chat area

// 1 - Center of screen

// 2 - Left notification area (CPM)

// Default: 0

set g_msgPos 1


seta g_msg1 "^3Welcome to the ^0[TA] ^3No Quarter server!"

seta g_msg2 "^1Running ^7No Quarter ^41.0.4"

seta g_msg3 "^8Haxxors Not Tolerated"

seta g_msg4 "^3Respect Each Other"

seta g_msg5 "^7Visit us at www.TACENTRAL.ORG"

seta g_msg6 "^7If You ^1/Kill ^7In Battle / While Poisoned, You Will Be ^1Kicked/Ban"

seta g_msg7 "^1Your Ping Must Remain Under 300 At All Times!"

seta g_msg8 "^7Join Us On TEAMSPEAK ^1IP: Port: 8850 ^?PASSWORD ASK FOR IT


seta g_msg10 "^1Respect All ^2Clan MEMBERS AND RECRUITS"

seta g_msg11 "^8XP IS LIMITED TO 15000 - You should be auto reset at this point"



//NQ COnfigurations

set jp_insanity 300


set g_ammoCabinettime 3000

set g_healthCabinettime 3000

set g_keepawards 15

set g_throwdistance 800

set g_weaponItems 7

set g_bulletReflect 0

set g_falloff 1

set g_missileGravity 0

set g_fastBackStab 1

set g_realism 0

set g_announcer 7

set g_dropAmmo 4

set g_dropHealth 4

set g_flushItems 1

set g_painAnims 1

set g_painChance 25

set g_smokeColor_Allies "0.1 0.1 0.6 0.0"

set g_smokeMod_Allies "0.0 0.0 0.1 0.5"

set g_smokeColor_Axis "0.6 0.1 0.1 0.0"

set g_smokeMod_Axis "0.1 0.0 0.0 0.5"

set g_maxLevelBattleSense 10

set g_maxLevelLightWeapons 10

set g_maxLevelSoldier 10

set g_maxLevelMedic 10

set g_maxLevelEngineer 10

set g_maxLevelFieldOp 10

set g_maxLevelCovertOp 10

set g_skills 31

set g_multikillTime 2500

set g_grenadeBonus 3

set g_mortarBBox 0

set g_shotgunPellets 12

set g_weaponScriptsDir ""

set g_weapons 47

set g_spectator 135

set g_shrubbot "shrubbot.cfg"

set g_censor "pussy,nigg,rape,slut,c*nt,douche,twat,nikka,douch,whore,f*ck,shit,biatch,bi


set g_censorMuteTime "120"

set g_censorNames "hitler,osama,saddam,hnic,nigga,nigger,f*ck,"

set g_censorPenalty 48

set g_intermissionTime 20

set g_intermissionReadyPercent 65

set g_mapScriptDirectory ""

set g_canisterKick 80

set g_canisterKickOwner 1

set g_classChange 0

set g_constructibleXPsharing 1

set g_doubleJump 1

set g_doubleJumpHeight 1.4

set g_shove 80

set g_shoveNoZ 0

set g_fear 4000

set g_goomba 1

set g_goombaFlags 25

set g_headshot 0

set g_playdead 1

set g_poisonSound "sound/player/gurp2.wav"

set g_medics 1

set g_hitboxes 31

set g_realHead 1

set team_maxPanzers 2

set team_maxMortars 2

set team_maxRifleGrenades -1

set team_maxMG42 -1

set team_maxFlamers 1

set team_maxShotguns 2

set team_maxVenoms -1

set g_missileSpeed 0

set g_missilegravity 2

set g_missilehealth 5

set g_maxTeamLandmines 30

set g_minArtyTime 10

set g_minAirstrikeTime 10

set g_hqmessages 0

set g_slashkill 17

set g_XPSave "15"

set g_XPSaveFile "xpsave.cfg

set g_XPSaveMaxAge 315396500

set g_XPDecay 0

set g_XPDecayFloor 540

set g_XPDecayRate 0

set g_maxXP 15000

set cg_graphicobituaries 1

seta skill_lightWeapons "20 50 90 140 200 270 350 440 540"

seta skill_battleSense "20 50 90 140 200 270 350 440 540"

seta skill_soldier "20 50 90 140 200 270 350 440 540"

seta skill_medic "20 50 90 140 200 270 350 440 540"

seta skill_engineer "20 50 90 140 200 270 350 440 540"

seta skill_fieldops "20 50 90 140 200 270 350 440 540"

seta skill_covertops "20 50 90 140 200 270 350 440 540"

set sv_master1 "master3.idsoftware.com"

set sv_master2 "master0.gamespy.com"

set sv_master3 "wolfmaster.idsoftware.com"

set sv_master4 "clanservers.net"

set sv_master5 "etmaster.idsoftware.com"

g_serverInfo 28

g_playerRating_minplayers 2





// in case the game dies with an ERR_DROP

// or any situation leading to server running with no map

set com_watchdog 10 // defaults 60

//set com_watchdog_cmd "exec nbks8maps.cfg" // defaults to quit

set com_watchdog_cmd "exec tacustom1.cfgâ€

exec shrubbot.cfg

exec punkbuster.cfg


in the server config file the name of map cycle is tacustom1.cfg

im also having trouble with xp save its not working maybe i have it set wrong


i fixed it by copy my old jaymod 2.1 map.cfg file

i even left g_misc 59 in and still works


Just a bit of useless info :P

a lot of the time adding this as the very last line in a custom map cfg cures a lot of custom campaign map loading problems;


vstr nextcampaign

Posted (edited)

this is new cfg file

set d10 "set g_gametype 2 ; map oasis ; set nextmap vstr d20"

set d20 "set g_gametype 2 ; map baserace; set nextmap vstr d30"

set d30 "set g_gametype 2 ; map radar; set nextmap vstr d40"

set d40 "set g_gametype 2 ; map goldrush ; set nextmap vstr d50"

set d50 "set g_gametype 2 ; map battery; set nextmap vstr d60"

set d60 "set g_gametype 2 ; map railgun ; set nextmap vstr d70"

set d70 "set g_gametype 2 ; map fueldump ; set nextmap vstr d80"

set d80 "set g_gametype 2 ; map venice; set nextmap vstr d90"

set d90 "set g_gametype 2 ; map caen2; set nextmap vstr d10"

vstr d10

and i named it tacustom1.cfg

so anyone else having problems with map config just take a look at this server settings

could always copy and paste the config and add needed info to youres such as rcon password ,your shrubbot.cfg file as well as your punkbuster.cfg file

u would also have to change the map cycle location if you dont use tacustom1.cfg when you save the map cycle

also the banners would have to be changed

i forgot to mention that if you use exact copy of this you would have to also upload the maps to server as well as re-direct if you have one

Edited by TA-Ratster911

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