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Questions regarding PB (Cvar)

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Ok, I have some questions regarding Cvar setting that a server streaming pb will accept. As I am currently getting ready to config my server to stream from pbbans, I first need to know about the Cvar issues.


In the past, some of my Community members had Cvar issues. Not bans, but they would be auto kicked by pb after 2 minutes.


I am wondering if there is a way to have my server force everyone's Cvar to the same value, or can I set a wide range of available Cvar values so i don't run into members being kicked.

  Relentless said:

Ok, I have some questions regarding Cvar setting that a server streaming pb will accept. As I am currently getting ready to config my server to stream from pbbans, I first need to know about the Cvar issues.


In the past, some of my Community members had Cvar issues. Not bans, but they would be auto kicked by pb after 2 minutes.


I am wondering if there is a way to have my server force everyone's Cvar to the same value, or can I set a wide range of available Cvar values so i don't run into members being kicked.

Why first?


the server cvars for ET we suggest are


pb_sv_cvar cg_bobpitch in 0 0.002
pb_sv_cvar cg_bobroll in 0 0.002
pb_sv_cvar cg_bobup in 0 0.005
pb_sv_cvar cg_fov in 90 140
pb_sv_cvar cg_shadows in 0 1
pb_sv_cvar cg_thirdperson in 0
pb_sv_cvar cl_maxpackets in 15 100
pb_sv_cvar cl_timenudge in -50 0
pb_sv_cvar com_maxfps out 0.000001 40
pb_sv_cvar m_pitch out -0.011 0.011
pb_sv_cvar r_flares in 0 1
pb_sv_cvar r_gamma in 0 3
pb_sv_cvar r_intensity in 0 1.5
pb_sv_cvar r_mapoverbrightbits in 0 3
pb_sv_cvar r_overbrightbits in 0 2
pb_sv_cvar r_picmip in 0 2
pb_sv_cvar rate in 2500 25000
pb_sv_cvar snaps in 20 40
pb_sv_cvar r_allowextensions IN 1
pb_sv_cvar r_drawentities IN 1
pb_sv_cvar r_drawworld IN 1
pb_sv_cvar r_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic IN 0
pb_sv_cvar r_nv_fogdist_mode INCLUDE NV
pb_sv_cvar r_primitives IN 0 2
pb_sv_cvar r_showmodelbounds IN 0
pb_sv_cvar r_showtris IN 0
pb_sv_cvar r_znear IN 3

these are 100% up to the server admins decision, i would personally change them in 4 points


pb_sv_cvar cl_maxpackets in 40 100 // 56k modem times are over, arnt they?

pb_sv_cvar cl_timenudge in -20 0 // if not IN 0 = stupid leetz0r setting :P

pb_sv_cvar r_picmip in 0 3 // whatever floats your boat, 0 ftw

pb_sv_cvar cg_fov in 90 120 // 140? :blink: fisheye?


possible it is, to force every ... poo. Again personaly i would leave a server that tries to nanny me into everything :P


When you streaming all information is sent so if you are setting cvars that aren't on the pbbans list they will get parsed out and ignored as local cvars only.


But notsure why you would want to force everyones cvars to the same value, alot of cvars are ranges that are allowed and it is down to the user to ensure that they meet those ranges. After all PB gives them warning if they are outside of the range prior to being kicked, so they have time to change it in the console before getting kicked. Technically you can force a cvar to a certain value I believe but given people want control of their config alot write protect their configs, so the only option is for them to set it themselves.


Example of cvar range b_sv_cvar rate in 2500 25000 allows for users who may still be a slow connection and only would kick if they had less the 2500 or more than 25000.


If you forced cvars like the ones below to be value 0 and the user had them set to something other than what they have , they would normally get logged and banned for having a known hack cvar set. By forcing any of those to 0 you would in effect undo the work your server is doing by streaming


pb_sv_cvar et_aim IN 0

pb_sv_cvar et_distance IN 0


Personally I am happy taking the pbbans recommendations for the cvar settings and let it kick people for 2 mins for being outside the cvars set, but wouldn't force a cvar change on a connecting user. Some other admins may have a different view, I know the >B< servers used to force the rate to be 40000 which caused me problems when I connected to most servers that are capped at 25000,


Let the debate begin.


regards Raist

  Raistlin said:

Personally I am happy taking the pbbans recommendations for the cvar settings and let it kick people for 2 mins for being outside the cvars set, but wouldn't force a cvar change on a connecting user. Some other admins may have a different view, I know the >B< servers used to force the rate to be 40000 which caused me problems when I connected to most servers that are capped at 25000,



Why I am asking. I played a lot on the >B< Servers, and never had an issue. But didn't know if a lot of people had issues with it, as well as teh positives and negatives of forcing a cvar.


Thanks for the info.


i don't believe the servers force that rate anymore, and we are talking over a year ago , and I thought they were streaming as well.


If you run an ETPro server, you have this option. Cvars can be forced to the nearest value within a range using the following:


command "sv_cvar cg_bobup IN 0 0.005"


Lines such as these should go in your .config file rather than your server.cfg file, within the init{} block. You can have both pb and sv_cvar limiting enforced, which is what I do. Sometimes people will get kicked, but this will only happen if the client is using a cheat to unlock cvars. If you need help with this, catch me in #pbbans (or indeed just shout out in general, pbbans staff are incredibly knowledgable in practically all PB supported games).


Note, there is also a forcecvar setting like so:


command "forcecvar r_wolffog 0"


but you should only ever use it for very specific things (I use it for wolffog and drawfoliage). Dont use it senselessly.

Posted (edited)

One quick question to add on.


If you are getting kicked by pb for inadequite OS privlages, what can you do to fix it?


Also, my server is a 40+4 ET Pub server.

Edited by Relentless

Doesn't that means the the pb install as part of the game wasn't installed with enough priveleges so maybe not installed under an admin account on the pc. They should download the pbweb.exe application from Evenbalance and use that to update their pb then try again.


Inadequate OS privileges means that you do not have admin rights while playing the game. Either give the user account admin rights or login as a user with admin rights to play.

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