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1.How i cann record som players when he playing sof to se if that guys cheting,,,i need program for that??wich??where i cann find that program???


2.How i cann screen shot pople with punk buster...btw..i know how to SS on my server...but how to onother server ss players when i donnt hawe admin power/rcon power etc.etc....


3.I have 2 sof2 server and same cfg...all cfg..file same..and one hawe problem..donnt rember score if u quit.reconect etc..in 2 sec...ju leave and rejoin in3 sec and yours score is 0-0 how to fix that!!!


4.And how i cann players with big moth mute for all time..or dummy for all time!! please help me som guy spaming..insulting on my server..just wanna dummy or mute that noob for all time!


Thank you for helping me!!

btw..i am from Croatia sry for my bad english ;)

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1.How i cann record som players when he playing sof to se if that guys cheting,,,i need program for that??wich??where i cann find that program???

It's a script, See attachment.


2.How i cann screen shot pople with punk buster...btw..i know how to SS on my server...but how to onother server ss players when i donnt hawe admin power/rcon power etc.etc....

You cant.


3.I have 2 sof2 server and same cfg...all cfg..file same..and one hawe problem..donnt rember score if u quit.reconect etc..in 2 sec...ju leave and rejoin in3 sec and yours score is 0-0 how to fix that!!!

   	default: 0  
   	desc: If set, players will be unable to get out of punishment by reconnecting.  
   		  0 = No player data is saved through a reconnect  
   		  1 = Punishments are remembered and reapplied after a reconnect  
   		  2 = Both punishments and player score/stats are remembered and  
   			  reapplied after a reconnect

4.And how i cann players with big moth mute for all time..or dummy for all time!! please help me som guy spaming..insulting on my server..just wanna dummy or mute that noob for all time!

You cant mute/dummy for ever, If they guy is that annoying just local ban him from your server.


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