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I need some help from someone, whom understands this "Banning" thing.....I have been told I am Banned....and I do not know why.....I am nearly 52 yrs old and do not hack or run cheats.....but have been told I do....yet there is no available information to convince me I am a cheat, or to convince you, that I am not a cheat...so I need help from someone who can straigten this mess up...please....



.zD.Shotty it says I have game hacks......well....I have "Vista" not xp...was in 1.2 not 1.3 and was not set to run compatable with xp sp2......so please fix this confusion...

Edited by Shotty
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Okay Wolf thanks for the reply, but what does it say and how does it work....at the bottom of the screenshots it plainly states no violations....so what did I do wrong??? I play on a laptop with onboard poor graphics, through a wireless router.....would this create a problem?? I am totally lost at this being banned thing after almost 7 yrs of gaming and never being on this side of the fence....please help me to clear this issue up....I emailed Evenbalance and asked them to help clear this up and to help explain what is happening.....but I do know when I first ran the game on "Vista" operating system it was so laggy, I went into the properties for the game and changed the compatability to XP-SP2 and admin......it made me start all over again and would not recognize the .zD.Shotty profile. That was all accomplished when the COD4 was still in the 1.2 version.

I have continued to play the same game, with the compataility set to XP-sp2 and only on PB filtered servers as Shotty and have not had any kicks or bans, except one admin ban for cursing back at someone who was cursing me.....I know that was stupid also, but I did it.....

But I honestly do not know anything about game hacks.....and am completely confused....I still need help to clear this matter up....

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You have an ongoing appeal that will be looked at some time today by our ban managers.

The screenshots in the ban link are what are being returned by you to the server, compared to what is returned by every other player they are at best atrocious :)


Not your fault, I know but the game specifies minimal requirements to run it and a decision will be made on wether you have an unfair advantage running the game with such low end settings etc. if thats what they are.

Even if your appeal is successful I would imagine a local ban would be applied by any server admin receiving screenshots of that ilk, but maybe thats just me. :)

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It is a laptop with the games settings set on low of off using a trilinear setting....I know I would not have this problem playing from my desktop, but I have it set up at another house.....

I have tried to research the MD5 responses with the #9001 and #9002 disqualifications and it all comes back to graphic imaging transferring.

I was not running the game at the time as compatable from the Vista operating system to be compatable with the XP operating system and was not aware that the actuall game is not compatable with Vista operating system until this issue popped up...

Honestly, and I realize you've heard it before, I do not cheat, and am too danged old to try to.

I have been an online gamer for almost 7 yrs and never had a problem like this to pop up.

But then again I did not have Vista and was not playing COD4 either...

I am sorry for anyones having to try to fix this, but I really did not do anything wrong...and I really want to be able to continue to play of the servers I have been playing on.

Like I said earlier I am really 51 yrs old, and will be 52 in April, just so you know I am not a kid...just an old man who likes to play on the internet.....Thanks for your help, and your gracious time to respond.....Shotty

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Do I understand this correctly that the player was banned because his settings were to low or did not meet specified minimum requirements or am I confused and he was banned for using some sort of cheat captured by a screenshot?

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My Laptop is a Dell inspion 1721 with a built in graphics chip = Raedeon x-1270, and it operates the computer at a screen setting of 1900x1200 without a single problem, until I try to run a video game. At this point I have to set the game settings at the the lowest or off, in order to try to play the game. If I set the settings upward, the game freezes and lags so badly, I get assked to leave the servers..LOL...so I do the best I can, just trying to play in the games.

I did not have the "Vista" compatability set in the game properties to Xp-Sp2 or admin, in order to play the game. I was actually playing the Windows XP rated game on the Windows Vista Home Premium settings. I did not know to change this until another game person said to try it. I also was playing on a new Linksys wireless n router and did not have the firewall settings allowing for games, which might be kicking me in the rear also....

When I changed the game properties compatability to Xp-sp2, it automatically locked out the .zD.Shotty profile and I had to start a new profile, which is Shotty. I also reset the wireless router to open for game connections and identifiers for the game allowances.

Right now the ,




shows I have 2 ip's, which is because I am playing on the Laptop while in another state for the Holidays....


My current game graphics is set at 800x600 which is poor, but allows me to play without a lot of interferring with other players, and helps to keep my ping timing down below 200(which is where I have to play COD4 at).

so as you can see I try to play and keep this little laptop settings as freindly as I can, but honestly I do not have any hacks or cheats available for usage, and really wouldn't know where to get'em but by buying them, and that's not happening.

If I could pay for a hack, then I could pay for a server, and this issue would never have evolved..LOL...

But seriously everyone, thank you for your responses and for your helping out on this matter, in which ever decision you may make. I am grateful to you and apologize to you for the absorbtion of your time in this matter.

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Do I understand this correctly that the player was banned because his settings were to low or did not meet specified minimum requirements or am I confused and he was banned for using some sort of cheat captured by a screenshot?

Look at the bottom of the screenshots. All the PB info is blanked out with white boxes.

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And at the very bottom of the page it say PB violations = 0= none not any , so is it not a strong possibility that the windows "Vista" poses a conflict with the games and Punkbuster systems with the game not being designed as compatable with the "Vista" operating system?

I can only ask questions at this point, due to the fact I know I do not run any hacks, but I can not prove to anyone that I do not have hacks..I can only ask you for your help...and I really need the help..not any hacks..LOL

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Look at the bottom of the screenshots. All the PB info is blanked out with white boxes.



Understood and maybe I read into some of the responses in this thread. Are the white boxes definitive proof that a cheat is installed? Reason I ask is that I recently reviewed a screenshot that was black with the exception of white boxes at the bottom.

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Please post those in the proper forum Catscan.


Game settings should not be considered a cheat as long as the settings are available to everyone. (IE: the menu).

Also a windoze compatibility mode should be fine, I mean were all pc gamers in here and understand every pc is not the same.


BUT, the blocking of the server and player info is a real issue, not because it works the info is in the servers logs.

Still it really looks like a blocker of some sort. So you can see the issue the admins have.

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Yes sir, I do realize the dilema posed here for everyone, and I appreciate everyones earnest effort to attempt a resolution, but I again am totally steadfast in my honest comment of not having any hacks.

I do realize alot of hackers plea innocence, as I am pleding innocence, but sincerely, I am not a hacker at all. A poor player, yes, I am, but I still like to play the games.

I can not answer for why yhe server information does not appear inthe bottom of the screenshots, butthen I also can not tell you why scarfaces sig does not show up, just a white bow and a red x in it..

I am at a loss and could only wish someone was here whom you trusted and sit at this computer laptop and show you I don't have any

But again I will thank you for your assistance in this matter and honestly appreciate everyones efforts.

Or is it a possibility that the settings on the wireless n router could have been blocking information, being the router was not set to allow gaming??

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Thing to remember is that there are always undetected cheats floating about for 1 game or another and server admins are especially vigilant with games that are hugely popular and new.

The most common way of catching the as yet undetected is by pbss and even the most lenient of server admins, would, imo, submit the pbss returned by you as a possible cheat related issue.

Our ban managers are in full receipt of the facts and you will be informed of the result via e-mail.


Personally I would not allow a player to play on servers I run that returned pbss such as yours, but like I said before, maybe thats just me :P

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I again apologize that I can not provide anything to say I do not have hacks except for my word, but I can assure anyone through this form of communication I absolutely do not, have not, never wish to have any cheats for any games.

But let me ask one more thing to try to assist me in my defense. with all of the bans posted in here, are there any with this dilema? are there any who were running Vista for the game, with out changing the compatability? are there any working through a New Linksys wireless server that was not properly set by Linksys to allow gaming? are there any playing on a low grade Laptop?

I can not prove I am innocent but can be wrongfully declared guilty, due to something "Unidentified? and New? to the server admins? who are all much younger and more aggressive in game play than I??

I know people have been wrongfully accused and sentenced to long prison terms to be overturned in 20 yrs, but I am afraid that at my age the 20 yr wait for a reprieve will not come true.

I have gamed in TAW, OBC, RIP, .zD. Flatliners, and have never ever had any issue or concern of my honesty in game play until I try to play COD4 on a Laptop with Vista, through a wireless router.

Which is a question also that comes to mind..........if .zD. Shotty which was running on Vista without the compatability change is hacking, then why is "Shotty" on the same computer, with a compatability setting for XP-sp2, not hacking?

Because he never had a hack to start with, thats why.......it is the same GUID......find anywhere the same GUID, with the name Shotty has any dilemas or confusions.

once again I reply, I absolutely do not hack, I just want to play the games and have fun with the other folks...........

If anyone has Vista running and you're willing to lose your stats, change the compatability in the games properties and then post here to my defense PLEASE someone speak up...

I am honestly not a hacker or a cheat, and those whom I have gamed with over the years will tell you all the same thing....I just do not cheat....

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The most common way of catching the as yet undetected is by pbss and even the most lenient of server admins, would, imo, submit the pbss returned by you as a possible cheat related issue.


As you have stated and then there is also the possible NOT cheat related issue.

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