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AA v2.8.3 Issues

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With the new release of AA v2.8.3 the pre-2.8.3 CVAR checks are now kicking for the M84 Stun violations.



ScriptLog: Console Message: *WARNING*: Cvar Throw_M84_Stun _fEffectDuration * (=12) must be EQUAL TO 20

Log: *WARNING*: Cvar Throw_M84_Stun _fEffectDuration * (=12) must be EQUAL TO 20


Here are the M84 CVAR check if see in the AA CVAR checks file:


pb_sv_cvar "Throw_M84_Stun _fEffectDuration *" IN 20.000000

pb_sv_cvar "Throw_M84_Stun _fMaxAudIntensity *" IN 1.000000

pb_sv_cvar "Throw_M84_Stun _fMaxVisIntensity *" IN 1.000000

pb_sv_cvar "Throw_M84_Stun cExplosionEmitter *"


I've removed the CVAR checks for now but have several questions.


How are the correct CVAR settings determined?

How many current CVAR checks will need to be adapted to the new v2.8.3 release?



Posted (edited)

pb_sv_cvar "Throw_M84_Stun _fEffectDuration *" IN 20.000000


Has to be changed to:


pb_sv_cvar "Throw_M84_Stun _fEffectDuration *" IN 12.000000


That was the one and only violation i got kicked for from my server after the update to 2.8.3, And since i changed it all wors well as it should.


Also make sure you are running the latest scripts from AON or wherever, Not sure if PBBans updated the checks already.

Edited by ReQuieM.ZodiaC

It seems both AON and PBBANS (04FEB08 Checks) have removed all M84 checks. My concern is, if the checks were in place before most likely they should be in place now but with updated settings matching v2.8.3.


How can the default settings be determined? I noticed the Throw_M84_Stun_fEffectDuration had been changed to 12 and I read about it on the AON fourms while PBBANS was coming back online. What is the command to see the settings?


afaik there is no option to run pb_sv_cvar #1 for Version #1, and at the same time pb_sv_cvar #2 for Version #2. So we remove unsupported suggestions; server admins: your turn.


What is the process to determine what checks should be in place?


What is the process to determine what the settings should be?



pb_sv_cvar "Throw_M84_Stun _fEffectDuration *" IN 20.000000


A player with a setting other than 20 would receive a warning and probably kicked from the server. How is it decided that 20 is the correct setting?


I apologize in advance for my ignorance. I'm new to server administration but would like to learn more and attempt to contribute to the anti-cheat community.




When you install the newest version of AA (2.8.3) your "user.ini" contains all default values, The cvar checks are based on those values as far as i know...




I'll check it out.


Also If we have suggestions for checks where should the suggestions be submitted?




you are welcome to report any cvar's in a thread here or to pm me with them - but if you post them then other admins can test them and discuss them with you :)

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