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givin you my answer sounds great but how do i know you wont act like the other cheat site?

Okay, normally at this point I would unleash verbal abuse :wink: We are not anything like the other site. We will stab you up front not in the back when your not looking. We have all been up front and quite patient with you, Bob has given you the way to earning some credibility, the choice is yours.


1. Send all you hacks to research@evenbalance.com


2. Set your servers up to stream pb info real time


3. Submit past logs if you wish, and none of the info on there will be used against you. It will be use for background data.


4. Any Pb violations from the moment you stream will be used.


I look forward to the post where your logs are now streamed to us real time. Its your move.



Guest BadAzz~[d]

ok monkey thanks for the polite non verbal squashing lol i will do as you say . bob hook me up kthanks

Guest BadAzz~[d]

not like the other site? but you let them say stuff like this fine suck it ..i just read this crap and this is what i was talking about sharing my stuff with you guys, ill just keep banning and doing it the old fashioned way i guess..

wp killer ...says



yea maroone is a hack maker/user and you shared your key with him i dont know how you got it unbanned but ill get it rebanned. already posted about it at the other site so we will see

hmmm lemme guess? dude i knew i was gonna get screwed but i guess im glad i did see it coming , all the admins at my servers really wanted this to work out because we are fighting a hard battle.


You amaze me :shock: You claim to be reformed, but yet you hang on to your past like a badge of honor. You claim you want to help and regain credibility, you claim that you are 34 yrs old and you cheated 2 years ago. Well in my math that made you 32 when you were caught. In the 32 years of life you amounted to a cheater in online gaming and who knows what else. You continue to bring up your past and continue to provoke converstions and drop accusations about another cheat site. Understand that we do not care what happens elsewhere, we are only concerned with what happens here. Your previous logs and catches are useless to us as you have no merit or credibility and I have no reason to believe anything that YOU submit is true.


I know if I was trying to earn anything or get ahead I for one would not continue to disuss my past. I would adopt a new name, guid, ip addy and blend in. You, you come here flaunting your past, you continue to try and provoke conversations around other sites and events that happened their. All this leads me to believe you have not intentions of helping, your are just continuing your ways of undermining other peoples fair game play. You have lost any support from me on this issue. I made it quite clear on our views of other sites and our dealings but yet every other post you try to ignite a fire.


No one here trusts you, no one here is interested in your dealings with anyother sites and no one is interested in your past logs or past screen shots, as we have no proof that they are untampered.




i cought him less than 2 yrs ago lol i havent been playin sof2 but about a year or so

Guest BadAzz~[d]

hey man i wish i could just deal with you monkey and bob i dont blame you for not trusting me. i am just trying to turn some stuff in ok. think on this i am here in the public telling the world that im trying to turn in hacks and get the cheaters off my servers, now do you think those guys Taurine, maroone, ellu ... are gonna ever give me anything again? im not here to start crap i just want the servers cleaned up and i realize you guys can help but obviously when you say that your not gonna use things against me and another admin is saying that he is i dont know what to think..this site is nice and you seem to be very kool but wp killer obviously has it in for me. like all of us im sure you have somethings in your life you wish you could change. well for me thats the one thing i wish i could go back and change. no matter what ever happens i will always say that im sorry and mean it. i have a large group of friends and they all have faith in me. im not going to let them down. and i think you are correct about everything you posted. i will set up the stream and i have turned in the shit i had so one step at a time. i just get frustrated with kids like wp killer. and im sorry for saying shit before thinking i know some of these guys have nothing better to do than to keep on flaming someone because they arent gettin none lol <--j/k but onve agian from me and my clan we all want to thank you


Time to take a stand.......this tard is constantly running in circles like a two-legged dog. It is one thing to tout that he is a reformed cheater....but the consistent attacking on the admin here had to stop.


Account Deactivated. Let's move on.


34 Years old and still can't capitalize letters, not even close to mastering typing, but knows how hacks work and how to make them.

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