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Hey guys,


What the hell does this mean?


I just bought COD4, installed and tried to get on a server and got this message, now I can't connect to any servers.


What's going on?


Can anyone help please?


I'm from Australia btw.


and btw that guid is clean buddy your not banned an anyserver streaming to pbbans though u might wanna check the others


Brand new key.


I'm only banned on Australia servers, I just came to ask here since there as been similar questions.


what is your guid? (it will tell you if you have a global ban what the ID is?)




wow im special (you listed it in the topic title)


your not banned here but your banned at PsB



also we cannot lift bans global bans:



you guid (guid = cd key) also appears to be first used on a server Feb 22, 2008. I would contact whoever sold this key to you and ask for a refund (the key in question appears to be stolen also)




Wow that's a surprise.


The person was from US and banned in March?


I will get a refund.


Thanks very much for looking into it.

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