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cybercafe requires help

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hi i am a cyber cafe operator in singapore. I have an issue and hope that pbbans is able to help me out. my customers in my shop plays BF2 in an online server called #EATW ip but due to certain issues my shop ip/subnet being ban by EATW admin. i have contacted EATW admins we have clear things out and they have remove us from their banlist. but even so, my customers are still not able to connect to their server.


this is the error message " your ip/subnet has been banned by punkbuster admin"


the server admin had even tried pb_sv_BanEmpty command for their server but till today i am still unable to log on to this particular server.


dear admins, is there anything that i miss out?

it seems that the server admin are lost at their end on what else they should do. They claim their banlist has been emptied this January 2009.


the 24 ip address range is : -



i hope pbbans admin can help me out


Pbbans doesn't ban IPs. We only ban PBGuids. If you are getting a message stating your IP/Subnet has been banned then your IP is somewhere on that servers banlist. It might not be in their CC banlist is might be in their pbbans.dat file which is the servers actual banlist file. I would have then check out that file just to make sure that your IP or subnet isn't on there.


That file is found in the servers punkbuster directory. Along with the config files and stuff.

Pbbans doesn't ban IPs. We only ban PBGuids. If you are getting a message stating your IP/Subnet has been banned then your IP is somewhere on that servers banlist. It might not be in their CC banlist is might be in their pbbans.dat file which is the servers actual banlist file. I would have then check out that file just to make sure that your IP or subnet isn't on there.


That file is found in the servers punkbuster directory. Along with the config files and stuff.




if they are using this command what are they removing?

how should i instruct them on removing the pbbans.dat?? they don't seem to know what to do much

Posted (edited)
how should i instruct them on removing the pbbans.dat?? they don't seem to know what to do much


They can find pbbans.dat in the pb folder on the server.


Tell them open that file in a text-editor and see if the IPs are in there, and if so, remove them.

Edited by Lucky_Fr4gg3r
They can find pbbans.dat in the pb folder on the server.


Tell them open that file in a text-editor and see if the IPs are in there.



with this done. is there any area i should take note of?


thanks for all the swift replies !

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