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Have got a COD WaW server running and all is fine and dandy for the most part, one thing I cannot seem to do is turn off the free roam on loading the game.

Basically, if you join the game and instead of selecting a team, press esc to spectate you can move all around the map.. rather than view from a fixed point


Anyone know the server cfg command to turn this off?





After googling, I believe it's:


set scr_game_spectatetype 1


0 = no spectating

1 = fixed spectating

2 = free spectating



Cheers for that but it seems I already have that set up in cfg so it can't be that?



It is that. I use it all the time. Look through your cfg and make sure it is not listed twice.

It is that. I use it all the time. Look through your cfg and make sure it is not listed twice.


thanks for replies.


I've looked and it's not listed twice, it's also set to "0"? is there anywhere else it would be. the problem with the free roam is only when you first join a map, if you press escape rather than auto/or a team, you can fly everywhere on the map.


i've just been on a few other servers as i write this, they all have the same thing.. free roam if you enter server but don't select team. Not good if you then get a spectator giving an over view of the match to his mates on voice.



seta sv_punkbuster 1





// Color Codes


// Colors for text. Do not clear the comment in front of the color codes.

// Useful for your server name, motd msg's - Information and ref use only


// ^1 = Red

// ^2 = Green

// ^3 = Yellow

// ^4 = Blue

// ^5 = Cyan

// ^6 = pink/Magenta

// ^7 = White

// ^0 = Black



// Server Information


// Server Browser Name

set sv_hostname "^2Irn Cru Hardcore" //This is the name that appears in the server browser


// "Message of the Day" -- Not sure if this even works

set g_motd "Nice to see you"


// Keywords (maybe a server search function?)

set sv_keywords ""






// Passwords


// Server password (needed to get into the server)

set g_password "" // blank means NO password


// Private Client Slot Password

set sv_privatePassword ""


// Rconpassword

set rcon_password "************l" // Change this to your rcon password!



// Client's Min/Maximum Ping

set sv_minPing "0"

set sv_maxping "155"


// Client's Maximum Rate

set sv_maxRate "25000"


// Client Voting

set g_allowVote "0"

set g_voteAbstainWeight "0.5"


// Client Side Stuff -- Don't know what these do right now

//set sv_clientside "0"

//set sv_clientArchive "1"

//set sv_clientSideBullets "1"

//set sv_clientSideVehicles "1"

//set g_client_side_lights "1"


// sv_pure - Keeps clients from loading files NOT on the server

set sv_pure "1"


// Disable Client access to console?

set sv_disableClientConsole "0"



// Misc


set sv_allowAnonymous "0"

set g_antilag "0"

set g_compassShowEnemies "0"

set scr_game_allowkillcam "0"




// Server Personality Settings


// Automatic Team Balance

set scr_teambalance "1"


// In-Game Voice Chat

set sv_voice "0"

set voice_global "0"

set g_voiceChatTalkingDuration "500"

set voice_deadChat "0"

set sv_voiceQuality "3"

set voice_localEcho "0"


// Dead players chat with the living?

set g_deadChat "0"


// Who dead people can spectate

set scr_game_spectatetype "0"


// Gravity

set g_gravity "800"


// Base Move Speed

set g_speed "190"


// Number of dropped weapons before recycling

set g_maxDroppedWeapons "16"




// Server General Gameplay Settings


// Hardcore

set scr_hardcore "1"


// OldSchool

set scr_oldschool "0"


// Friendly Fire?

set scr_team_fftype "0"


// Red Crosshairs while over enemy? Maybe?

set g_redCrosshairs "0"


// Draw Friends

set scr_drawfriend "0"


// Revive players? Don't know what this does

set scr_player_allowrevive "1"

set g_revive "0"

set revive_time_taken "2"


// Announcer

set scr_allowannouncer "0"




// Player Settings


// Health Issues

set scr_player_healthregentime "5"

set scr_player_maxhealth "40"


// Number of lives

set scr_player_numlives "0"


// Respawn Settings

set scr_player_forcerespawn "1"

set scr_player_respawndelay "0"

set scr_player_suicidespawndelay "0"


// Sprint Settings

set scr_player_sprinttime "6"


// Suicide point loss

set scr_game_suicidepointloss "0"





// Server Timers

set scr_game_graceperiod "15"

set scr_intermission_time "30"

set scr_team_respawntime "0"




// Gametype Settings



set scr_koth_globalbattlechatterprobability "0"

set scr_koth_numlives "0"

set scr_koth_playerrespawndelay "0"

set scr_koth_roundlimit "1"

set scr_koth_roundswitch "1"

set scr_koth_scorelimit "250"

set scr_koth_timelimit "15"

set scr_koth_waverespawndelay "0"

// More setting that I am not sure work (because they are not named like normal)

set koth_autodestroytime "60"

set koth_capturetime "20"

set koth_delayPlayer "0"

set koth_destroytime "10"

set koth_kothmode "0"

set koth_spawnDelay "60"

set koth_spawntime "0"



// CTF

set scr_ctf_enemycarriervisible "0"

set scr_ctf_flagrespawntime "0"

set scr_ctf_globalbattlechatterprobability "0"

set scr_ctf_idleflagreturntime "30"

set scr_ctf_numlives "0"

set scr_ctf_playerrespawndelay "0"

set scr_ctf_roundlimit "2"

set scr_ctf_roundswitch "1"

set scr_ctf_scorelimit "3"

set scr_ctf_timelimit "5"

set scr_ctf_touchreturn "1"

set scr_ctf_waverespawndelay "15"


// DM

set scr_dm_globalbattlechatterprobability "100"

set scr_dm_numlives "0"

set scr_dm_playerrespawndelay "0"

set scr_dm_roundlimit "1"

set scr_dm_scorelimit "150"

set scr_dm_timelimit "10"

set scr_dm_waverespawndelay "0"


// DOM

set scr_dom_globalbattlechatterprobability "0"

set scr_dom_numlives "0"

set scr_dom_playerrespawndelay "0"

set scr_dom_roundlimit "1"

set scr_dom_scorelimit "200"

set scr_dom_timelimit "0"

set scr_dom_waverespawndelay "0"



set scr_twar_globalbattlechatterprobability "0"

set scr_twar_numlives "0"

set scr_twar_roundlimit "2"

set scr_twar_roundswitch "1"

set scr_twar_scorelimit "5"

set scr_twar_timelimit "10"

set twar_captureAccelBonus "35"

set twar_captureAccelLimit "50"

set twar_captureTime "40"

set twar_finalFightFlagRespawnPenalty "3"

set twar_finalFightTimeLimit "5"

set twar_momentumArtillery "10"

set twar_momentumBlitzkriegTime "30"

set twar_momentumDogs "10"

set twar_momentumEnabled "1"

set twar_momentumFlagCap "25"

set twar_momentumKamikaze "10"

set twar_momentumKillPlayer "5"

set twar_momentumMax "70"

set twar_momentumMaxMultiplier "3"

set twar_momentumMultiplierBonus "25"

set twar_momentumMultiplierBonusLimit "75"

set twar_momentumRadar "10"

set twar_neutralFlagLockTime "0"

set twar_secondaryInfluencerBonus "0.5"

set twar_showEnemyCount "1"

set twar_spawnPointFacingAngle "60"


// TDM

set scr_tdm_globalbattlechatterprobability "0"

set scr_tdm_numlives "0"

set scr_tdm_playerrespawndelay "2"

set scr_tdm_roundlimit "1"

set scr_tdm_scorelimit "1000"

set scr_tdm_timelimit "10"

set scr_tdm_waverespawndelay "0"


// SD

set scr_sd_bombtimer "45"

set scr_sd_defusetime "5"

set scr_sd_globalbattlechatterprobability "0"

set scr_sd_multibomb "0"

set scr_sd_numlives "1"

set scr_sd_planttime "5"

set scr_sd_playerrespawndelay "0"

set scr_sd_roundlimit "0"

set scr_sd_roundswitch "3"

set scr_sd_scorelimit "4"

set scr_sd_timelimit "2.5"

set scr_sd_waverespawndelay "0"


// SAB

set scr_sab_bombtimer "30"

set scr_sab_defusetime "5"

set scr_sab_globalbattlechatterprobability "0"

set scr_sab_hotpotato "0"

set scr_sab_numlives "0"

set scr_sab_planttime "2.5"

set scr_sab_playerrespawndelay "7.5"

set scr_sab_roundlimit "0"

set scr_sab_roundswitch "1"

set scr_sab_scorelimit "1"

set scr_sab_timelimit "20"

set scr_sab_waverespawndelay "0"






// Weapons


set scr_weapon_allowbetty "1"

set scr_weapon_allowc4 "1"

set scr_weapon_allowflash "1"

set scr_weapon_allowfrags "1"

set scr_weapon_allowmines "1"

set scr_weapon_allowrpgs "0"

set scr_weapon_allowsatchel "1"

set scr_weapon_allowsmoke "1"


// Bouncing Bettty Settings

set bettyDetonateRadius "150"

set bettyTimeBeforeDetonate "0.45"

set bettyUpVelocity "296"


// Poison gas stuff?

set poisonDuration "8"

set tabun_effect_radius "150"

set tabun_shock_radius "150"

set tabunGasDuration "3"

set tabunInitialGasShockDuration "7"

set tabunWalkInGasShockDuration "4"




// Perk & Hardpoint Settings


// Perk Settings

set scr_game_perks "1"

set perk_armorVest "75"

set perk_bulletDamage "40"

set perk_explosiveDamage "25"

set perk_fireproof "55"

set perk_flakJacket "75"

set perk_flakJacketMaxDamage "75"

set player_lastStandBleedoutTime "30"


// Vehicle Perk Settings

set vehicle_perk_boost_acceleration_multiplier "1.571"

set vehicle_perk_boost_duration_seconds "0.74"

set vehicle_perk_boost_interval_seconds "1.703"

set vehicle_perk_boost_speed_increase "1.878"

set vehicle_perk_leadfoot_speed_increase "1.35"




// Hardpoint Settings


set scr_game_hardpoints "1"

set scr_hardpoint_allowartillery "1"

set scr_hardpoint_allowdogs "1"

set scr_hardpoint_allowradar "0"

set scr_hardpoint_allowsupply "1"

set scr_hardpoint_allowuav "0"


// Dog Settings

set scr_dog_count "4"

set scr_dog_hardpoint_interval "180"

set scr_dog_health "50"

set scr_dog_max_at_once "2"

set scr_dog_time "30"




// Vehicle Settings -- Holy cow look at all these settings!

set scr_vehicles_enabled "0"

set scr_veh_respawntimemax "90"

set scr_veh_respawntimemin "50"

set scr_veh_health_jeep "700"

set scr_veh_health_tank "1350"

set scr_veh_driversarehidden "1"

set scr_veh_driversareinvulnerable "1"

set scr_veh_explode_on_cleanup "1"

set scr_veh_explosion_doradiusdamage "1"

set scr_veh_explosion_maxdamage "200"

set scr_veh_explosion_mindamage "20"

set scr_veh_explosion_radius "256"


set scr_veh_alive_cleanuptimemax "120"

set scr_veh_alive_cleanuptimemin "119"

set scr_veh_cleanupabandoned "1"

set scr_veh_cleanupdrifted "1"

set scr_veh_cleanupmaxspeedmph "1"

set scr_veh_cleanupmindistancefeet "75"

set scr_veh_cleanuptime_dmgfactor_deadtread "0.25"

set scr_veh_cleanuptime_dmgfactor_max "1.0"

set scr_veh_cleanuptime_dmgfactor_min "0.33"

set scr_veh_cleanuptime_dmgfraction_curve_begin "0.0"

set scr_veh_cleanuptime_dmgfraction_curve_end "1.0"

set scr_veh_dead_cleanuptimemax "30"

set scr_veh_dead_cleanuptimemin "20"

set scr_veh_disappear_maxpreventdistancefeet "30"

set scr_veh_disappear_maxpreventvisibilityfeet "150"

set scr_veh_disappear_maxwaittime "60"

set scr_veh_explosion_husk_forcepointvariance "30"

set scr_veh_explosion_husk_horzvelocityvariance "25"

set scr_veh_explosion_husk_vertvelocitymax "200"

set scr_veh_explosion_husk_vertvelocitymin "100"

set scr_veh_explosion_spawnfx "1"

set scr_veh_ondeath_createhusk "1"

set scr_veh_ondeath_usevehicleashusk "1"

set scr_veh_respawnafterhuskcleanup "1"

set scr_veh_respawnwait_iterationwaitseconds "1"

set scr_veh_respawnwait_maxiterations "30"

set scr_veh_waittillstoppedandmindist_maxtime "10"

set scr_veh_waittillstoppedandmindist_maxtimeenabledistfeet "5"





// Server Performance Issues


// Rate

set rate "25000"


// Antilag

set g_antilag "1"


// Smooth clients

set g_smoothClients "1"


// FPS (Server Frames per Second) -- I would leave this alone for now. MIGHT mess up gameplay if changed.

set sv_fps "20"



// Server Download/Redirect Settings


set sv_allowDownload "0"

set sv_wwwBaseURL ""

set sv_wwwDlDisconnected "0"

set sv_wwwDownload "0"




// Server Management/Admin


// Logging

set g_log "games_mp.log"

set g_logSync "1"

set logfile "2"


// Client IP Banning (yucky way to do this)

set g_banIPs ""


// Kick Ban Time

set sv_kickBanTime "300"


// TKers

set scr_teamKillPunishCount "3"

set scr_team_artilleryTeamKillPenalty "0.25"

set scr_team_kickteamkillers "0"

set set scr_team_teamkillerplaylistbanpenalty "0"

set scr_team_teamkillerplaylistbanquantum "0"

set scr_team_teamkillpointloss "1"

set scr_team_teamkillspawndelay "20"




// Batttle Chatter Settings

set scr_allowbattlechatter "0"

set bcmp_incoming_grenade_probability "50"

set bcmp_kill_inform_probability "50"

set bcmp_killstreak_incoming_probability "50"

set bcmp_perk_call_probability "50"

set bcmp_sniper_kill_probability "25"

set bcmp_toss_grenade_probability "50"

set bcmp_weapon_delay "2000"

set bcmp_weapon_fire_probability "90"



// Fire

set fire_audio_random_max_duration "1000"

set fire_audio_repeat_duration "1500"

set fire_spread_probability "0"

set fire_stage1_burn_time "3000"

set fire_stage2_burn_time "0"

set fire_stage3_burn_time "0"

set fire_world_damage "20"

set fire_world_damage_duration "8"

set fire_world_damage_rate "0.25"



// Flares

set flare_distance_scale "16"

set flare_duration "8"

set flare_effect_radius "400"

set flareBurnOutFadeWait "0.65"

set flareDisableEffects "0"

set flareLookAwayFadeWait "0.45"



// Map_rotation (available gametypes: dm, tdm, dom, sab, sd ctf, koth, //twar)

set sv_mapRotation "gametype tdm map mp_airfield gametype tdm map mp_makin_day gametype tdm map mp_asylum gametype tdm map mp_castle gametype tdm map mp_shrine gametype tdm map mp_courtyard gametype tdm map mp_dome gametype tdm map mp_downfall gametype tdm map mp_hangar gametype tdm map mp_makin gametype tdm map mp_outskirts gametype tdm map mp_roundhouse gametype tdm map mp_suburban




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