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Server was streaming but has now stopped...

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We changed datacenters for our game server and had to setup a new server. After having initial problems with the setup we got it up and it was streaming, but it just randomly stopped. It stopped streaming while we had people playing in it.


Can someone check it out on PBBan's end?

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Define 'a few minutes'?


It's normal that it doesn't refresh in your server manager every few seconds, that doesn't mean it isn't streaming.

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I re-upload the pbsv.cfg it streams then it never streams again. Right now it says it has streamed 4 minutes ago, but it will never stream again until I upload the pbsv again and then do a pb_sv_restart.


Here is my pbsv.cfg


;PsB Repository Commands

pb_sv_logaddr rep.punksbusted.com // Repository IP Address

pb_sv_logport 24425 // Repository Port

pb_sv_loguser 12970 // Your Clan ID

pb_sv_task 0 7200 pb_sv_ver

pb_sv_task 0 86400 pb_sv_update



pb_sv_USessionLimit 12

pb_sv_uconadd 1 "pbbanshub" "pbbanshub"

pb_sv_task 10 4000 pb_sv_ver


And it will eventually turn from blue to red since it is not continuing the stream.


I ran the webtool to just make sure:


Opening connection ...

Connection opened

Checking PB version ( pb_sv_ver )

Server replied: PunkBuster Server: PunkBuster Server (v1.740 | A1407 C2.180) Enabled

Checking present ucon profiles ( pb_sv_uconlist )

Server replied: PunkBuster Server: [slot] [Type] [Mask] [Name]

PunkBuster Server: 1 1 pbbanshub

PunkBuster Server: End of PB UCON Profile List (1 Entry)

Deleting ucon profile 1 ( pb_sv_ucondel 1 )

Server replied: PunkBuster Server: PB UCON Slot #1 deleted

Setting sessions limit ( pb_sv_usessionlimit 8 )

Server replied: PunkBuster Server: pb_sv_USessionLimit = 8 (0 to 16)

Adding ucon profile for PBBans Hub ( pb_sv_uconadd 1 pbbanshub pbbanshub )

Setting pbbans.dat autoupdate ( pb_sv_autoupdban 1 )

Server replied: PunkBuster Server: pb_sv_AutoUpdBan = 1 (0 to 1)

Adding heartbeat task ( pb_sv_task 0 3600 pb_sv_ver )

Server replied: PunkBuster Server: PB Scheduled Task Added: 0 3600 pb_sv_ver

Saving settings into pbsv.cfg ( pb_sv_writecfg )

Server replied: PunkBuster Server: Config File written to E:\Servers\9842\GameServers\TC25742560523334508628416\pb\pbsv.cfg

No error occured during setup. Server should be ready to stream

Closing connection ...

Connection closed

Edited by N2DEEP
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