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For any Windows 7 users (None here right cause we all like to play PB games :) )




* You don't need to rush to get the RC. The RC will be available at least through July 2009 and we're not limiting the number of product keys, so you have plenty of time.


* Watch the calendar. The RC will expire on June 1, 2010. Starting on March 1, 2010, your PC will begin shutting down every two hours. Windows will notify you two weeks before the bi-hourly shutdowns start. To avoid interruption, you'll need to install a non-expired version of Windows before March 1, 2010. You'll also need to install the programs and data that you want to use. (Learn more about installing Windows.)


* Protect your PC and data. Be sure to back up your data and please don't test the RC on your primary home or business PC.


* Tech details/updates: Before installing the RC, please read the Release Notes and Things to Know for important information about the release.


* Keep up with the news. You can keep up with general technical information and news by following the team blog. And, you can get non-technical news, tips, and offers by subscribing to the monthly Exploring Windows newsletter.


* Keep your PC updated: Be sure to turn on automatic updates in Windows Update in case we publish updates for the RC.


* Installation: You can install the Windows 7 RC on a PC running Windows Vista without backing up the PC—but we encourage you to make a backup for safe keeping. If you're running Windows XP or the Windows 7 Beta, you'll need to backup your data, then do a clean installation of the RC, then reinstall your applications and restore your data. If you need to do a backup, please see How to back up your PC for more details and a suggestion for how to backup a PC running Windows 7 Beta or Windows Vista.


Please note this is BETA software and may cause problems or even data loss. Also be reminded that PB will kick you for various reasons such as Windows API error when using a non-retail version of Windows.


Not using another Windows operating system after Vista. Put me off for life.


Windows 7 is supposed to be rather good - fixing a lot of the problems that Vista had on release. I will reserve judgement on this until release. I currently use XP pro - and if 7 turns out to be any good I may upgrade, skipping vista altogether. My laptop is exclusively Ubuntu 9.04 - and that pwns the living crap out of any other OS I have used, linux or otherwise.


Yup, I think Ubuntu'll take some work to beat. Other Linux distributions are also excellent, although none are quite as friendly as Ubuntu (try to get MP3 support working in Fedora without having to research it for example).

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