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guess what


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3.1 Registration at PBBans is available to all individuals. Members who use the services we provide are assumed to have met these requirements. If it is found that you do not meet said requirements your account and all benefits and access to and and/or all PBBans services will be terminated without notice.


NoBS does not met them. Case closed.


you guys fail so hard it isnt even funny. show me the requirements where it says we cant have cracked servers even though we have several legit servers and like 5 legit match servers.


i should just start my own streaming service. i could have 5 monkeys run it and have 200% smarter staff than you have here. GG

Edited by nsevilgenius
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Go right ahead, call it "cracked bans R us"




www.cracked-bans-r-us.com is available.





Guess having the most streaming servers and a good quality service liked by a vast number of admins is a failure :P

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  • 3 weeks later...

cracked servers are illegal hmm think about it they keep illegal and hackers off of Games


DUH common sense is needed :)

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cracked servers are illegal hmm think about it they keep illegal and hackers off of Games


DUH common sense is needed :)

Old topic - Yes

Good Point - Yes

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