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It was brought to my attention today by another clan whom we scrimmed against that during a scrim (cod4) a player in our clan was making impossible shots and when they took ss of him all the ss showed was his xfire profile and a picture unrelated to any cod4 maps. I have seen these ss and agree they are 'fishy' to say the least. I've heard what some ppl think it means but as im new to all this i thought i would ask expert advice before taking action.Any help would be apreciated, thanx


There is a known bug in the PBSS-capturing which will result in applications running in the background being captured instead.


Even though hackers are known to exploit flaws in the system, most of the time it's completely innocent.


Hackers that go undetected by Pb I don't think you guys can bust these hackers, I think they have a programer helping them.

Game Server:

Bay Area SmakDowN COD4 Server - *USA* -=*FPGA*=-

Game Type:

Call of Duty 4

IP Address: Port:28960


A whole clan of Hackers:





Many more names in this clan

  DEATHtoAll said:
Hackers that go undetected by Pb I don't think you guys can bust these hackers


I for one would rather my server was streaming and missed a few, then not streaming and allowing every hacker under the sun on. You may have PB enabled but its best to join up and get streaming to some AC sites to.


FYI that server is not streaming to us.

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