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Hello All,


Our growth over the last year has far exceeded all expectations. This has propelled PBBans to the top as the largest anti-cheat site in the world supporting PunkBuster. We would like to personally thank all of our faithful supporters and always welcome your donations and suggestions. We are looking to eventually expand our services and offer the community a larger tool box full of widgets to keep your servers clean. As a reminder, PBBans is a non-profit all volunteer staffed organization and we survive solely on donations.


During our donation drive last year, we raised over $1,500 in 19 hours to purchase a new database server. We greatly appreciate any donation no matter how small any little bit helps PBBans remain on top as the premiere Anti-Cheat site. If you would like to help PBBans, we have a PayPal link on our site's main page (listed as Make A Donation) or you can click here. Assistance does not have to come in the form of a donation, you can hop on our forums and offer some feedback to us.


Many of you have asked what the requirements are to get your clan/group listed in the Site Sponsors area on our main page. Since our early days, PBBans has viewed our website as a community that remains focused on the mission...keeping your servers as clean as possible. Your efforts with donations over the years have allowed us to provide you an extremely clean website void of any sponsor banners. The Site Sponsor area on our main page is reserved for those of you who make a one time nominal donation or those of you who setup a monthly subscription. If you are interested having your clan/group site listed in this area and have further questions, please contact me via a forum PM.


Thanks in advance!!!


The PBBans Team


The original post by RodeoBob is for information only, and just a reminder to all, that PBBans services and ad free site etc is maintained soley by donations from our supporters.

If ever a news items comments needed cleaning up its this one, so clean up it is :)

If the guy who is so upset over getting banned from PBBans streaming servers wants to protest, he can do so by posting in the usual manner on the forums.

  • 2 months later...

Just want to get a hold of Rodeo Rob re: becoming a bronze site sponsor


You can either catch me on our IRC channel or shoot me a PM here in the forums :)

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