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I would like to start streaming my COD4 server to PBBans. It is my personal server (however it still meets the requirement of being hosted at a data center), and not affiliated with my clan at all.

This presents a problem for me as the PBBans application process is obviously designed for clan admins.


Therefore, I have some questions:

-What should I put down as my clan tag? I would put down my actual clan tag and clan name, but the server I am trying to stream is not affiliated with that clan (which already streams its servers to PBBans).


-What should I put down as my clan website? Should I put down my clan's actual website, despite the reasons listed above? I have my own website also, but it has nothing to do with COD4 and obviously does not have a clan roster, etc.

Whats the problem with tagging this onto your clans team account ?

Neither I nor the admins of my clan wish for my server to have any relation to the clan.


The requirements for streaming a server are clearly outlined here;

http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=82423 if you fail to meet those requirements the application gets denied, its that simple

I am trying my best to meet these requirements, but certain ones (such as having a clan roster) make no sense for my PERSONAL server.

Neither I nor the admins of my clan wish for my server to have any relation to the clan.



I am trying my best to meet these requirements, but certain ones (such as having a clan roster) make no sense for my PERSONAL server.


Then stream elsewhere Bro, there are other options out there.

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