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Everything posted by foxdie

  1. debian ftw!
  2. I have a better picture and it's not her :D.
  3. I'd rather don't want to know what do you mean by practical application lmao. Yeah :D. It's a pity that I've started collecting them after everybody stopped opening my links and also deleted irc logs. It could have been very nice off-topic section.
  4. I've been saying that for a long time, n obody listened so I switched to modelka
  5. Time flies. I could never imagine that pbbans will survive other sites. R.I.P IndianScout
  6. Time to bring them democracy! Sort of BF3Live :D
  7. If there is anyone interested, I can provide you with some more details on PB protocol for ET. B)
  8. We'll miss you ET. Time to purge mpi :P
  9. Luusik : Given that PB spent my first 6 hours in BF2 kicking me because of Steam (Bought it on Steam) Im thinking it wont help fox... They have a sick sense of humor over there, and just might enjoy the pic.

  10. You didnt grant applet permission to connect to other servers. Try to reopen your browser and try again.
  11. Would you please bann "Stepbro" as he uses an aimbot and wallhacks. I can supply you with his GUID, if you need it.
  12. I dont get it. fsck is for fs checking. mkfs is for formatting.
  13. Happy birthday ( a little bit late but better than never :P )

  14. I wonder what would happen if he sent modelka. :D
  15. I understand concerns about security but in case of bfbc2, there is no need for such harsh requirements imo.
  16. Happy Birthday! May the modelka be with you

  17. me
  18. So laugh at me :)
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