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Posts posted by foxdie

  1. Also, someone told me that it sucks that 1.4 PB checks your CVAR and makes you lagg

    You shouldn't believe to everything what punks say. If use really long CVAR list , yes it may cause lagg on slower PCs.

    But no one claims that you have to do any. Use /rcon PB_SV_CvarEmpty and none cvar checks will be performed.

  2. the reason why evenbalance gives hardware bans is because they are powerless against hacks. unfortunately I have been had mad.gif


    I didnt agree to have my hardware banned. By the way you are mising the bus on my point joung jedi, I said that it should be against the law to have people suffer for someone else's mistakes tongue.gif AND to let PB sniff around my pc looking for serials and hashing them for their own database. Thats what they will be charged with wink.gif you getting the picture now?


    things have just gotten a little too far now. hey, you cant win em all

    If you dont accept HW GUIDS , you cannot use Punkbuster. Please READ EULA!!!


    So whats your the problem then? You disagree with license , you cannot use PB , but you can still play on non-PB servers


    the reason why evenbalance gives hardware bans is because they are powerless against hacks

    LoL. If it were so , you wouldnt be banned
  3. Licensor grants Licensee a non-exclusive and non-transferable license to use PunkBuster software only for non-commercial entertainment purposes. Licensee may not disassemble, decompile, reverse engineer, redistribute (in any form), create derivative works of, or modify PunkBuster software in any way. Licensor reserves the right to terminate the license at any time and for any reason, or no reason at all, and without notice to licensee. Additionally, upon breach of any term of this Agreement, the license granted under this Agreement shall automatically terminate without any additional notice to Licensee. Upon termination of the license, Licensee shall destroy all copies of PunkBuster software in Licensees possession.

    Here is a part of EULA. I guess that you have no chance. :lol:

  4. Also I would like to know what right evenbalance has gathering hardware information from people's computers such as hardware serial numbers etc.


    I know that by law it is illegal to collect and to use such information to incriminate people on the basis of such information. It is also most certainly illegal to incriminate another person for the deeds of another -and- who has been fully unaware of acts committed by another person than himself.

    They're gathering hashes of hardware . No one can get information about your PC from hash because it works only in one way.

    And who gave them right? You and your predecessor by accepting EULA. The one who had your PC before agreed to be checked and banned if PB hack is detected. He was cheating and was HW banned. You have accepted EULA too. You've connected to PB enabled server . PB computed your HW GUID and checked in global ban database. It was found there so you were kicked . This all stands in PB's EULA. And if you haven't read PB EULA carefully, then its your problem.


    The best is to conntact EB, because I have no right to speak in their name.

    Next time you're buying PC via Internet , give there request that PC cannot HW banned or as I said before never buy it via internet.




    Did this guy just trick me?

    Yes he did, He sold you "broken" PC.

    And as Dental said about that car. Even if you bought it legally and it was used in a crime , police can confiscate it.

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