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Posts posted by foxdie

  1. Problem: I feel that your current system of handling new applicants by PM'ing an admin is sort amateurish and does not give people the professional appeal.

    Huh? Click Here


    Problem: As it stands right now your forum structure and navigation is some what lacking and confusing to find any information.

    I don't think so. And all our cfgs are available in MCI


    Problem: Right now it takes too long and too much hassel to add another server or change the port that your server is running on with you guys, each time your server port changes or you want to add/remove a server you have to PM an admin each time with the changed info and that can get very annoying again bouncing around from admin to admin to get what you need.

    Maybe. But you don't have to use only PM's. You can use PM,irc,icq,msn or TS2 too. And yesterday it took one admin about 10 mins to setup streaming.


    As not every one has java installed on there PC that creates a hassle for admins who want to use the jpat utility without having to download anything or typing in commands thru the command prompt to keep there servers up to date.

    If you install JRE, no cmd line is needed. I've choosen java because its platform independent.


    One large problem that alot of people will have between the PsB repository and PBB repository is the information that is provided to regular streaming admins and that is IP's full 32 digit GUID's and violations. As many admins are paranoid about there IP this will deter them from signing up.

    We provided us much info as is possible. I think we won't change it.


    One minor problem that I have seen is that in your repository it does not display when the player was first seen which can be very helpful in seeing how long the person has been playing or has baught a new GUID.

    Really I don't see reason what this is good for. We could do it from our logs but that info would be inaccurate. Not every server is streaming to us.


    Right now as far as I know the only person that can get access to the player index is only the admin that has signed there clan up to stream.

    This is not true partially. We give Game Admin status to co-admins.


    Problem: This one is more of a pain then a problem the issue is when you want to submit a screen shot to PBB you have to include the log file name and the text at the time the screen shot was taken from the logs and when you have a few of screen shots to submit it can be time consuming.

    next jPAT will do it.


    my two cents.

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