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Everything posted by Bulld0g

  1. Bulld0g

    Help me

    I downloaded Enemy Territory and do not have a CD or CDKey ... why do I sometimes see messages about a CDKey? When playing Enemy Territory over the Internet on PunkBuster enabled servers, PunkBuster will automatically generate a CDKey for you. Most problems with CDKeys in Enemy Territory are caused by copying the game from one computer to another instead of installing from scratch. You can press the tilde key (the ~ key) to bring down the console inside the game and enter the command "/pb_myguid" (without the quotes) and PunkBuster will display your CDKey and the PunkBuster GUID which is used to identify players. Problems or error messages regarding the CDKey in Enemy Territory are best handled by follow this link to create a new trouble ticket www.evenbalance.com however try going into the etmain folder find the file called key and delete. Open ET and try to connect to a server and it should give you a new 1.
  2. Bulld0g

    PBss ?

    cheers mate didnt realise was u on there :) ive had some well dodgy looking things from guys with crappy pc's before.
  3. Bulld0g

    PBss ?

    A guy asked me to look at this is it normal for some mod or somehthing? or just top corner?
  4. Banlist(s) and warnings Today the YAWn! warning list has been synchronized with punksbusted.com's public banlist. This is nothing new, except for Enemy Territory. For all other games this list was already more or less in sync. /edit: As of tonight we are in sync with pbbans.com's public banlists (for our supported games). http://www.yawn.be
  5. Posting for Mavrick new to PBBans im co-admin with him. Server IP: Server Port : 27973 Game : Enemy Territory Clan Tag : TF Co-Admin : Bulld0g :D
  6. yup! :)
  7. I changed a few settings on my gfx card like digital vibrance, gamma and sharpness and created my own pbss blocker by mistake :o http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v739/bulld0g/bull.png So i did a system restore as i couldnt get rid of it :P http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v739/bulld0g/bull2.png
  8. yes its odd!
  9. Server IP: Server Port : 27973 Game : Enemy Territory Clan Tag : I am Co-Admin : N|A
  10. awesome that we have both found this now we need a check implemented!!! syntax anyone?
  11. LOG 272 [06.14.2006 19:22:09] [From #5 6cdd(VALID:8) ^7^6fitt serb] "fps125" "fps43" "fps" [3 user cvars found] [06.14.2006 19:22:09] [From #5 6cdd(VALID:8) ^7^6fitt serb] fps125 = "invoke wall 0;invoke stealth 0;echo ^2OFF; set fps vstr fps43" [06.14.2006 19:22:09] [From #5 6cdd(VALID:8) ^7^6fitt serb] fps43 = "invoke wall 1;echo ^2ON; set fps vstr fps125" [06.14.2006 19:22:09] [From #5 6cdd(VALID:8) ^7^6fitt serb] fps = "vstr fps43" LOG 271 [06.14.2006 19:10:48] New Connection (slot #5) [?] "^7^6fitt serb" (seq 13468167) [06.14.2006 19:10:48] Player GUID Computed 7b517550caf94c28c42e1b422e756cdd(-) (slot #5) ^7^6fitt serb [06.14.2006 19:14:05] Auto Screenshot 003190 Requested from 5 ^7^6fitt serb [06.14.2006 19:17:49] Screenshot /home/cs5eg3/et/pb/svss/pb003190.png TIMED OUT after 223 seconds (slot=5) apparently he has blatantly haccking so a guy asked me to check logs !
  12. ok firstly CVAR's cannot be forced into your config. No pk3 download from any server can place a cvar in your autoexec.cfg. If you have used someone elses config supply where you got it from as that person had cvars from hax known to this site. The logs from telenet stream to this site to protect users from hackers and are not put there to deliberatley victimise people. You were banned for having known cheat cvars in your config, not on your pc or just sitting around in your etmain, but in your config ? There is an appeal process on this site http://www.pbbans.com/appeal_ban.php if sufficient evidence was to arise then this would be overturned by a site admin. I myself am only a streaming admin and some one else will probably answer your question slightly better.
  13. yes once dual streaming in operation it will be so :)
  14. Hi Monk m8, well hackers certainly use opengl32.dll hooks to avoid cvar's being found ill let one of the experts here have there say before i jump to a conclusion :P but the screenshots certainly have a strange look to them :o
  15. Right theres this guy i think hacks and he changed his guid often on clanbase etc. The odd thing is its only ever 1 number i.e last 3 guids : ****771A79D5 ****971A79D5 ****771A79D1 really odd imo 1 number diff, the thing is as far as i know changing any piece of hardware will make it change but never only 1 number right or wrong advice peeps :)
  16. well personal opinion 100% wallhack he shoots the wall a few times as he thinks he can see enemy. He tracks thru the wall on every occasion. Unsure on aimbot as he sux 1v1 but easy to get 3 hs with sten from side and behind :P
  17. will do tonight and get back to you!
  18. erm that answered my post :o
  19. so if people are banned for this in ET/RTCW surley its an error, more likely some kind of hack, but i was asked by a banned guy to clarify !
  20. Friday 05.26.2006 [6:30PM] USA time Version 1.250 of the PB Client for ET has been released to our PB Master Servers for auto-update and to our website download page. This is a maintenance release. fixed hopfully!
  21. wtf is (SPEEDHACK) #109003 as far as ive ever known its impossible to speedhack as the speed calculations are server side thus making it impossible for a client to attempt it ? please advice?
  22. seems a little buggy to me ensure that your clients run pbweb.exe found in the pb folder in wolf.
  23. that isnt for ET is it?
  24. Finally our prayers are answered an update for ET. maybe :P http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=support-et.php Release Notes Thursday 05.25.2006 [2:45PM] Version 1.247 of the PB Client for ET has been released to our PB Master Servers for auto-update and to our website download page. Release Notes for PB Client v1.247: new screenshot code introduced: beginning with this version of the PB Client, PB will randomly take screenshots about once per minute on average and send each screenshot signature to the PB server; several screenshots will be queued and future PB Server editions will be able to request any of the last few screenshots that were taken by the client; the PB Server will also track information pertaining to how often windows reports the game minimized or otherwise inactive, admins will be able to configure PB to kick players who do not keep the game as the active application while playing; admins will also be able to kick players who do not return requested screenshots or where the returned screenshot does not match the previously supplied signature in this version, having the pb_sssave setting set to 1 does not cause PB to save server requested screenshots to the local hard drive as documented PB screenshots each have a new sequence # associated with them, this sequence # is reported to the PB Server for each screenshot captured and is displayed in the border of the screenshot itself
  25. Capo not necessarily if they have a usb modem, it makes a virtual network connection, looks like one in task bar but disappears after u disconnect!
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