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Everything posted by Bulld0g

  1. Also: Servers can be setup to force rate and you probably wouldnt notice anything. So it would cap your rate @ 25000 on connection and do a quick vid_restart like loading map 2 times. If you looked in your etpro folder you may see cvar backups if its enabled in config. They are small text files saying that the rate should be between x and y and any other cvars outside the server settings :) just for info :P
  2. So for instance you have a usb modem and no network card in PC it cannot correctly calculate your GUID , never knew that :P
  3. exactly i guy went spec on me yesterday and said omg he is hacking he has 51 headshots i said from 64 kills thats bad u idiot :D Remember most public guys dont even know how to turn the blood off so dont worry if they send a demo here it will be looked at in the proper way. also using Wolfcam http://www.splashdamage.com/index.php?name...iewtopic&t=7522 you can see other players point of view very handy!!!
  4. hey anaconda m8 welcome :)
  5. it is only mp but differs from RTCW in many ways! gl and hf with it you may need to turn off a lot of stuff to make it play better but theres plenty reference sites around :D
  6. Bulld0g


    They seem to be able too make guids anything nowadays and by using www.yawn.be can get the guids of any player by name :o damn them :blink:
  7. Ive been there and Afghan stay safe and return too frag again :)
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