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Everything posted by hugin

  1. Ah ic, like filtering out the trusted ones as team mates and such? Well I don't think that is possible, but maybe some others with more experience in here have an solution :)
  2. No there isent, and tbh why do you want to not scan somebody on your server? I don't see the purpose of that :)
  3. No, you cant specify which button it is binded to, only what command you want to log. To find out if he is using scroll to shot you need to address the attack command, not the button: mwheeldown/mwheelup. Then you can check the logs and see if it actually was binded to that button. Can be good to filter out those CB heroes who claim they don't :P So if i make up this one: pb_sv_task 240 900 "pb_sv_bindsrch "attack""Result: [01.15.2008 22:28:23] [From #1 sdaskd7(VALID) lamer] [mwheeldown = +attack][mwheelup = +attack][2 key binding matches found]You will see the result if he uses his scrollwheel to shoot.Hopes that clarify it.
  4. As we all thought yes, but that don't seems to be the case actually. Mine is resent and all after the 1.3 patch.
  5. Hehahaeaheaehaehaeaheha! :lol:
  6. Same for me, merced a PCW with a team I have known for a while and after the match the rank was reset to lvl 22. So now I am leveling up again, and I take thats as an challenge to get there again :D This cant be compared with BF2 or ETQW (ors similar game systems) who have global ranking systems stored at their own databases. And thank god for that. if you read the EA - Rules of Conduct that is a totally different story. However it cant be called cheats in the term we are in this web site at all. This is PBBans and should stay that way as well. Personally I mean ranking systems is the worst that have ever happened to FPS games.
  7. Indeed :D *This.. Off course requires streaming to PBBans*
  8. Check this one out: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?sho...mp;#entry103807
  9. Concur, Rcon thru console ingame (the old fashion way) or RCON programs are the way to go for the moment, download Moder Rcon and use Alt + Tab to close down the game window and execute the commands you want from your RCON tool. Works like a charm :)
  10. Done :)
  11. About server msg's I have found doing that thru PB to be the best way, this way you don't need to have RCON programs up and running at all, it will all be server side. Here is an simple tut on how: 1. Make a cfg file and name it servermsg.cfg 2. Add this to your pbsv.cfg file: pb_sv_load servermsg.cfg 3. This is WarTorn's servermsg.cfg: //================================================================================ // Added by hugin - 2007 // Task setup for PunkBuster //================================================================================ // 30 sec intervals - Remember: pb_sv_task 460 + 30 (Interval value) = 490, and so on // Task setup for PunkBuster pb_sv_task 10 490 "say message 1" pb_sv_task 40 490 "say message 2" pb_sv_task 70 490 "say message 3" pb_sv_task 100 490 "say message 4" pb_sv_task 130 490 "say message 5" pb_sv_task 160 490 "say message 6" pb_sv_task 190 490 "say message 7" pb_sv_task 220 490 "say message 8" pb_sv_task 250 490 "say message 9" pb_sv_task 280 490 "say message 10" pb_sv_task 310 490 "say message 11" pb_sv_task 340 490 "say message 12" pb_sv_task 370 490 "say message 13" pb_sv_task 400 490 "say message 14" pb_sv_task 430 490 "say message 15" pb_sv_task 460 490 "say message 16" //================================================================================ 4. Then do pb_sv_restart in console or thru your rcon tool, or just simply restart the server. 5. Everything goes in your server pb folder. Good luck :)
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