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Everything posted by hugin

  1. 1. Your point is? 2. Mental Midget: Have you ever thought I had to compress those words to get it all in there? 3. Now, go and do you dishes for your mum kiddo.
  2. As earlier I posted a produced PBSS of my self as an answer to what it could be, and its nothing more than the server giving out info on what is going on. And you are right, what advantage would you get on seeing a bunch of numbers (grid)on your screen, those kiddies who use hacks will for sure not hehe. As an retired army man, I know how hard it can to orient by grid or coordinates given while driving vehicles who are given to you, never the less in a game where you have no use of them. Those who still claim this is hack is just ignorant, uninformed mental midgets, ignore them as they might learn this when times goes by.
  3. Size of PBSS etc is not the same, but you get the idea and can do a comparison :)
  4. Most likely console text
  5. "You are not logged in" mean exactly that, you have to log in first: /rcon login Rcon_Pass_here or /rcon_password Rcon_Pass_here depending on your game install, one of them work, then you can do your /rcon status :) Goes for all commands you want to send to your server. All rcon commands should be done this way after logged in: /rcon your_command
  6. Are you sure you have full access to the PB folder from the host? Some hosts deny this on BF2 servers.
  7. if you do /rcon status in console what do you get?
  8. Hence: "Always Quality before Quantity" :) Thats why streaming to PBBans services are better than many others IMO, because of the knowledge who beats most other sites, and the fact that the scans are being done so effective as they can be done.
  9. You don't see status on the HUD ingame, maybe thats it? Edit: You need to pull down full console to see it. Maybe you knew this but just closing in on the misunderstandings if any :) Have you tried to add it this way: 25 STATUS without: PB_SV_RCon ?
  10. Yea i thought so, anyways just posted em to be sure :)
  11. Then you have to narrow down the ban mask to the actuall IP, then he will most likely change that IP anyways, but you can try.
  12. A swift search gave me these: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?sho...;hl=power+point http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?sho...;hl=power+point http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?sho...;hl=power+point http://www.google.com/search?q=pb_sv_powerguid And what you are looking for: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?s=&...st&p=122247
  13. Well I don't believe this is made Microsoft at all actually, some prankster on the loose most likely hehe... But if made by them then it is just to sad...
  14. In your PB config :)
  15. As in not approved by Bruce and this is YouTube you can do whatever you want :) Norwegian: Ekke noe offisielt fra Brucer'n dette da, mest sannsynlig noen som har slengt sammen en video.
  16. Only works for those who have the game on Steam ;)
  17. Well I suggest you get you a server and set it up to stream here at PBBans. This way you can enjoy the stream features with HUB and do local bans for those you don't find on the HUB :) It all boil down to have some insurance. Verification etc. Without that it will be out of control. You are very frustrated over this and have thoughts about it for sure, but if everyone should just throw in a demo's etc it will not be an controlled feature. And do as many other have said, contact the admins on that server and tell them whats going on, just use Tab, find out what the server is named, clan name etc, and goggle it. I have done this allot and it works great. Even when I am contacting the admins on their web pages :)
  18. Yep it is :)
  19. Hi, do you use one server config for all settings or do you use several configs like weapon, player configs etc? It might be there are some settings lurking in some of those files somewhere that you missed :)
  20. My guess is you didn't do it right. Just copy my command line and use Ctrl + V to paste it in when the game is started, you don't even need to be in a server. But how did you mess up this in the first place? Did you download any files for testing?
  21. As Maester say, and do: /seta r_lodscalerigid 1 In console and you should be fine :) seta Means set to archive, who will save this to your config_mp file.
  22. Not mine, but a friend of mine, off topic I know but hey, this pictures deserves the space :lol:
  23. Yes? I know that, thats why I am addressing you and what you say with more facts and statements on the issue, hence the: "Crazy56: Thing is ppl don't see the difference between cheats and legal features in a game......"
  24. Crazy56: Thing is ppl don't see the difference between cheats and legal features in a game, to bind the knife to the scroolwheel don't give you 6 knife stabs a sec do it? I do use my knife on both up and down, and hell i can tell you it ain't giving me any advantages at all, only reason i have them there is the fact i always been a fan of having the most essential features in a game binded to it. If i really wanted to get my knife stab efficiency up I had to bind it to a button who can have one finger free to always be ready to hit that key. With the knife binded to the SCROLLWHEEL i have to let go of MOUSE1 button who off course is binded to attack. believe me, this binding don't give me any advantage at all. The word SCROLLWHEEL isn't automatically binded the dirty rotten player out there, its a part of the game.
  25. Yup, typical examples of bad management of an server. Those type of servers will most likely vanish after a short time and no one will miss them either. When fronting "Hacker!" accusations, be calm and be polite, that way you do give a good impression and are most likely having a good chance of getting a convo who will not end in a flame war and getting you local banned as an result. There will always be sore players out there who just cant take the fact someone is playing a game better than them self.
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