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Everything posted by hugin

  1. You don't get "innocent" IP's on a GUID, they have for sure been used on that GUID. FYI: IP's are only additional information and will never be taken into consideration on a ban, only GUID's.
  2. Seeing is believing, so far they have not delivered at all. And with EA lurking in the background I'll give this game 0 out 6 before it have been released, just because of that. The game devs will for sure frack this up as well, but minus point isn't an option, or is it?
  3. EB will never ban a PBSS, PBSS is made for server admins visual detections, and only that. PB software works on reaction when a detection is made, and afaik never been meant to work any other way either. In other words it have to know what it is looking for. So yes, many see that as slow. When referring to crashing servers, that is not an PB software issue at all, that one you have to bring to EA and DICE ;) For PB and what it is meant to do, it is not broken, but by the last incident and what is indeed needed in 2008 it sure needs an overhaul. In other words, I think and hope, EB will develop or recode software soon to meet the new requirements needed. Then again EB need to see this as needed for their own sake and reputation, and not what the game devs pay them in the first place when integrating PB to their games. We can only sit and watch what will happen, unfortunately...
  4. On the contrary, EB is doing a tremendous job, and in fact AC sites like PBBans and other AC sites/ organizations with legit and good intension would not have been here at all without EB and their superb PB software. Most commonly people do not know how good PB software actually works, and most of the PB sucks statements are in 99% of the times due to clients who do not understand how, why, or what is needed from their computers to get PB to run smooth. And are often caused by poor system with setups not maintained properly. Personally I have not had any problems with PB in years, because I do regularly maintenance on my system and use PBsetup regularly. Even in most cases that is not necessarily at all.
  5. Damn, I remember when the Ghostbuster movie came out, it was a thriller I say!
  6. ye, keep pounding that dead horse :lol:
  7. heaheaehaehaeaha!
  8. What your server have become is pleasant reading for sure, the fact that players actually want to play on a PBBans protected server :) And off course, the fact that you like what we can provide for you :)
  9. +1, my experience as well, it might be that simple.
  10. Ah ic, well glad to hear that. Ant the fact that league admins do see the potential for all this as well :)
  11. Are you advertising this streaming here now? Or do i misunderstand this? Just asking.
  12. Using the opportunity, off course, to let you consider the benefit to have a mandatory PBBans streaming for all the servers involved in your ladders. PBBans provides the top notch streaming technology so far available to the public masses. We do also provide extended professional support for league admins (like you) You will always get in contact with us through the forums or through IRC: #pbbans at Qnet and GameSurge. On the main page, left side you will find all the Supported Leagues currently involved with us here at PBBans. You will also get general PB support and help developing necessary tools and MD5 and cvar checks needed for your ladder. Consider it, I can more or less guarantee a good relationship and benefits here at PBBans.
  13. Good to see you are settling in then, apparently you know some guys in here already :D
  14. Welcome as an SGA :)
  15. Happy Birthday RodeoBob. Have a good one :)
  16. hugin

    Windows Xp Sp3

    Ugh I used that link to download it myself, and now I cant find it :P Hang on.
  17. hugin

    Windows Xp Sp3

    I guess this will work: Windows XP Service Pack 3 Overview
  18. hugin

    Windows Xp Sp3

    Been there done that, never turning back, Firefox ftw. Or IE for that matter.
  19. EA? In the end EA will suck money out of us if there was a way to do that for what we do....
  20. We Ban GUID's on PB violations. Case closed.
  21. Thanks for that :) FYI: The SGA's do also a good job, keeping their servers streaming when problems happens (Not often that is hehe) But also for the visual submissions as PBSS and demo recordings.
  22. Why not do it simple, accept the terms of free streaming, free online help for PB, PBBans streaming, game help in general. 24/7 visual ban providing with only a few clicks away and the joy and benefit of using this free service?
  23. As AcE says, you can however, afaik use some rcon program to do this. Correct me if I am wrong.
  24. What it is: Most likely nothing What to do: Most likely nothing If those two don't comply to your satisfaction: Then, if still not satisfied: google it As PBBans see it, this is a completely clean PBSS. To be honest: You should have had your server streaming by now, some read ups: Information Center Terms of Service Good luck ;)
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