EB will never ban a PBSS, PBSS is made for server admins visual detections, and only that.
PB software works on reaction when a detection is made, and afaik never been meant to work any other way either.
In other words it have to know what it is looking for. So yes, many see that as slow.
When referring to crashing servers, that is not an PB software issue at all, that one you have to bring to EA and DICE ;)
For PB and what it is meant to do, it is not broken, but by the last incident and what is indeed needed in 2008 it sure needs an overhaul.
In other words, I think and hope, EB will develop or recode software soon to meet the new requirements needed.
Then again EB need to see this as needed for their own sake and reputation, and not what the game devs pay them in the first place when integrating PB to their games. We can only sit and watch what will happen, unfortunately...