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Everything posted by hugin

  1. haha, no offense but that did not start so well :D
  2. No need to bump an old thread with just useless spam. By now you as well know this issue have been most likely solved anyways.
  3. hugin

    Feck off u say?

    me loves to watch ur profile! Hahaha, yea scaaaaary!

  4. Why live in fear and waiting for patches and fixes when there is one solution for it all > Click Me
  5. PBBans cant guarantee you that at all for a 3rd party tweak/ program utility. It will be on your own risk and not something we would recommend. To bad that BF2 don't use CVars, that way you could used a value of -1 on r_mode to get the custom height and width in for your WS.
  6. HUB messages & pb_sv_task is two different things. HUB messages is created by PBBans and pb_sv_task syntax is a part of the PB software. The HUB features can address to the player nick connecting, pb_sv_task with say commands can only spam static information to the server.
  7. You are not telling what is wrong, do you mean you joined this server and you got the points without playing there or what?
  8. What is the point here? That you found a bug or what, not following you at all.
  9. Beta is still pretty fubar, but will be pretty cool when they fix things hopefully.
  10. +1, not spending money on cod:waw if I don't have to. Still enjoying ET:QW + ET and looking forward to Quake Live he he.
  11. I'll tell you if you apply for an SGA account ;) You will also notice you will get hold of features such as HUB greetings for your members on your server(s) and a public announcement live banning feature telling who got caught cheating etc. All, off course possible to a disable, actually they are not even enabled when you server start to stream but available through Manage Account panel available as an SGA. Plus the fact your server will be more protected from cheaters, you don't run your OS without an Anti-Virus program do you? Join PBBans
  12. For you PBBans SGA's good to see it includes demo recording :) Thanks for the heads up n1o
  13. Your PB assigned GUID, type: pb_myguid Your client IP, go to: http://www.ip-adress.com/ Your server IP, contact your game host, or, if you run a server from home you should know that when you set up the server.... IP :P
  14. GUID: 7607cdd3b8de76d4418b8ca75d288dd5 Is globally banned by EvenBalance Ticket EB: Trouble Ticket - EvenBalance You are not banned at PBBans, but your GUID is, as said, is globally banned by EB, all information you need with your ban shall be confronted to EB and not PBBans.
  15. We need your GUID or banID/ link please.
  16. I see not why you want to wait, it takes about max 5 minutes to set up and 1 minutes with rcon ingame when an application for SGA is approved ;)
  17. Instead of using: +rcon login xxxxx in startup, make an rcon.cfg file and put in: rcon login xxxxx Then just /exec rcon from console, FYI, never bind rcon login to buttons, it can be logged if you are guesting other servers and accidently press that button.
  18. I suggest you appeal for an SGA account (Streaming Game Admin) Besides the streaming protection you get into the SGA forum who contain so much more info at your disposal. Read up on this first, and you will be streaming before you know it: Information - PBBans Starters Guide Information - PBBans Information Center PBBans Terms of Service Agreement (As of February 3, 2007) Good luck.
  19. hugin


    We don't sit and wait for people to post to answer them. To your question, why do you think those CVars are cheat protected? I'm not going to tell you because the obvious reason is why you want to use them.
  20. At least you know if you change game in the future, and I suggest you get your servers streaming -that way you will have access to more information in the SGA forums as well for more protection on your servers :)
  21. No, it will not work at all, as the CoD series do not use dividers ( ; ) in the map rotation. An example from other games and would most likely work: Enemy Territory: set d1 "set g_gametype 2 ; map battery ; pb_sv_taskempty ; wait ; pb_sv_task 300 300 say ^3Next map: ^2goldrush ; set nextmap vstr d2" set d2 "set g_gametype 2 ; map goldrush ; pb_sv_taskempty ; wait ; pb_sv_task 300 300 say ^3Next map: ^2Battery ; set nextmap vstr d1" vstr d1 If this would not work, just add exec's in there and separate files with the same pb_sv_task But as said, it will not work with the CoD series unfortunately.
  22. Never said he was either ;) Thats just an myth people live with and not true at all, let me put it this way, you don't know at the fullest what PBBans actually can do. We do investigate the hack we receive from volunteers, rest is up to your imagination how we can be able to make MD5 and CVar checks for them.
  23. There will always be a new hack out now and then, but not for long, we allways get them who use the, its all about some time before they always come to out forums or IRC to cry their innocents. There will always be undetected hack out there ramping servers, because server admins lack the knowledge how to protect their servers. AC ( Anti Cheat) is all about reaction, we need to know the cheat before we can detected, but game servers is not updated or do not stream to AC sites like PBBans. If that server you was playing on had been streaming to us and the fact the game would have an demo recording feature you could made a demo recordings, hand that demo recording over to the server admins and they could submit that under their streaming account. Actually it is not that many hack out there as many think, but allot more unprotected PB servers. With the service of reviewing and banning demos here at PBBans I think the SGAs is very great full for this and actually do an difference in making PBBans streaming game servers clean for cheaters.
  24. You are forgetting one major important thing that the other have mentioned here, the fact that not everyone is that up to date and have the knowledge to pull off a tweak like this and having the experience to recover if this method of your would fail for them. That is way they made a legit point to your post and your lack of understanding for such issues on a forum that provides streaming service for PB enabled video games is just telling me, and others that you should keep such to other forums for such issues and not to a forum that is solely to provide streaming and PB service. The fact that you go all hostile when someone make a valid point and questioning your methods should pretty much tells me you know allot about tweaking computers with the best intension but obviously do not how to fix stupid. If you cant take some friendly criticism without going rant as a child, please go elsewhere with your posts.
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