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About Sandrock

  • Birthday 12/07/1973

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    Rock Island, Illinois

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    Ass Kickin' Assassins
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  1. Well for some stupid reason or another I can't download the mod from the site that Maydax posted, it doesn't DL the entire file and says its corrupted or something.....tried it twice. I found another link if anyones having issues like me......its at Filefront.....Star Wars GW Mod
  2. Man them signatures are jumping faaaaassstt!!!!!!
  3. Petition signed as well. I been following this since yesterday when I got my email from Ice Mans forums, thank you dude. I read all the way up to page 38, listened to FourZeroTwo's bullshit, and posted at a few boards I belong to to help get the word out. I left a window open all night while I slept then came back to read more today and when I clicked "next" I got this. You have been permanently banned from this board. Please contact the Board Administrator for more information. A ban has been issued on your IP address. WTH.............lol oh well. :P I think IW haven't a clue exactly what they're doing cause in the end it will destroy them for PC. This crap reminds me of when Activision released Soldier of Fortune: Payback, everyone in the SoF2 community was all excited about it and a couple bought it told everyone how shitty it was and NO ONE I know after that bought that pile of dung. Although I do know a few that found .iso's of it and tried it for the hell of it.
  4. Death to all cheaters and liars!!!! :D Welcome back Pbbans!!
  5. That's way awesome!
  6. Hey Fucker!! :D

    1. Sandrock



  7. Here is a nice alternative that my dad uses on his systems'...... Visual Styles I'm told it doesnt run in the background or anything and that it is basically made part of your OS and is supposed to kick ass! .....and no I'm not some 13 yr old punk, I'm 35. :lol: Hope this helps.
  8. EEEWWWWWWW!!!!!!! My eye's!!! They BUURRRNNN!!!!!!!
  9. It'll work, I don't believe a game mod makes any difference.
  10. Sandrock

    Your phone

    I have a regular cell flip phone. Its a Sony Ericsson Z550a and I use I Wireless which is owned by T-Mobile. And if anyone else calls while I'm gaming I'm gonna throw the sum-bitch across the room!!!! LOL :blink: :lol:
  11. LMAO!! :P
  12. I sure am glad I read thru every single post before posting myself, I was all like "damn that really sucks to see RodeoBob retiring" and prolly would've looked quite stupid....lol But I must say that sure was one kickass April Fool's joke!! :P
  13. That blows.
  14. Congrats Pbbans!!! If that "other" AC site could only hold a candle to you guys!! :P lmao
  15. I played it for a night and it was fun but I think if I'm gonna play it on a regular basis I'll just reinstall my copy of Q3.
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