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Everything posted by Yourself4

  1. Yourself4


    To do that you need to have access to a programming language so you can dynamicly generate the image based on the imput. If you don't know which language you want to do it in I'd recommend PHP just because its open source and very popular for web based coding. The easiest way to do it with PHP is to use the GD extension. http://us2.php.net/manual/en/ref.image.php
  2. As of the time of this post I was unable to find anything in the Terms of Service mentioning cracked servers. The only thing that I was able to find about servers is in section 1.1 which says that a game server must be running on a dedicated server and not from personal computers.
  3. Is GGC supporting World at War?
  4. IE 8 actually looks to be on par with Firefox 3.0.2. One thing that is kind of cool about IE 8 is the LCIE architexture, which google chrome kind of copied. Basicly if one tab crashes it won't bring down the whole browser, so all you have to do is refresh the page.
  5. Somehow I don't think schools care if people are cheating in games as most schools don't allow students to play games in school anyways.
  6. The plan is to alternate the releases between Treyarch and Infinity Ward and put them on about a 2 year release cycle. It said in the IGN article that it should be out no later than the end of the first quarter 09. So I would assume they are aiming for Christmas season of this year. Call of duty 6 is currently in development by Infinity Ward, though no major announcements are out that I am aware of.
  7. Yesterday they announced that the new call of duty, Call of Duty: World at War (COD 5) will be released for all major platforms including PC and Wii, :D. It will a World War II based in the Pacific Theatre. This one is not going to be released by Treyarch rather than Infintyward and from the looks of it is going to be pretty good. It will be on the COD 4 engine and will have vehicles in it :D. Some quotes from the articles: Here's the articles: http://www.videogaming247.com/2008/06/09/c...apart-from-psp/ http://wii.ign.com/articles/880/880290p1.html http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=190547
  8. I don't think VSP supports COD 4. Also the VSP source is a mess and really poorly spaced and defined which makes it extremely difficult to read, so trying to get it to work with COD 4 isn't too easy.
  9. can't you run it on WINE?
  10. Oh, lol I always do this in January. Thanks for pointing that out.
  11. I was searching through google patents and I found this: http://www.google.com/patents?id=AMN-AAAAE...log+game+server I also noticed the Effective Date on it: Issue date: Jan 30, 2007 I think its kind of funny that some guy beat Valve, Even Balance, and all the other AC companies to the punch. I wonder what will come out of this once the patent becomes effective tomarrow.
  12. you mean not allowing extended ascii, unless your going to type in chinese or something you kind of need to use ascii.
  13. bans are 100% based on GUID, not IP. He will have to buy a new key each time he is caught to be able to return to streaming servers.
  14. love how supposedly is in quotes lol. As far as the 8 digit guids he is using the MPI safe view. To get the full guids just run a query without the safe view option selected.
  15. http://www.pbbans.com/links.php
  16. looks like the standard Phreaker to me.
  17. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=29969
  18. SOF2 28408be85331757154519b97f53b116d (PBBans - PsB) Global This GUID is globally banned by EvenBalance http://www.pbbans.com/mpi4/ ?? If they have this GUID they are using the same CD Key the same as everyone else who was using this key.
  19. You should be able to get his GUID + IP address through the PB Logs. Also try using pb_sv_plist instead of the game's player list function.
  20. One of the first things to learn about permenant bans, is there is no such thing as a permenant ban. You can ban people's identifiers (accounts, cd keys, names, IPs, hardware, etc.) but it is impossible to ban a person. To me success is measured by how hard it is to cheat on the servers. If the guy gets kicked within a minute of connecting to the server then has to get a new cd key to reconnect I would call that success. He can't use his cheats without getting kicked, and he will be eventually annoyed into leaving. Remember the goal here is to reduce or eliminate cheating. How you do it doesn't really matter. Nor does it really matter if someone who was banned gets back on the server. As long as you achieve the goal, you have achieved success. As for the person you are talking about above I would recommend IP banning people like that. One easy way to do it is download the ban list in XML format and import it into access. Then run a find duplicates query to see which IPs have been banned multiple times, decide what you want the threshold to be, filter the list then copy it to word and record a macro to put "pb_sv_banmask" infront of each line and upload it to the server then exec it with pb_sv_load and you have all the Dup IPs banned :D. (Yes I know that was one hell of a run on sentence lol.)
  21. Yourself4


    1) Its called the MPI 4 2) you must be logged into the forums have your servers streaming in order to get full access.
  22. Please remove user: NG Crash (110062) From team account 118. This member is no longer in the clan, I apoligize for the inconvience.
  23. Not sure about the credibility of the site, but I was able to find that a license to the unreal engine 3 is estimated to cost over $700,000 USD (Source: devmaster.net) . So if they did buy a license I would imagine they defiantly have it in development, or Activision has very bad managers, one of the two.
  24. According to here: http://www.sofpayback.com/news.php To me this sounds fairly concrete that this isn't just a rumor.
  25. Hey, I'd like to have one of our admins added to our team account: Team Account ID: 118 User Info Display Name: NG Crash Login Name: craigleech18 Link to Profile Page: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showuser=110062 Thanks :)
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