So if I run Autohotkey for my spreadsheets, and forget to turn it off before loading Battlefield 2 - I risk having my account banned by PunkBuster?
Nostromo? G15? Any Logitech programmable mouse or joystick?
Hmmmm Interesting....
Now the quesiton is, is this legal even with us agreeing to the EULA since Autohotkey is not modifying game files, does Punkbuster have the right to disable or disallow service? Someone who is a lawyer can answer that please.
There are legitimate uses for macro programs like JoyToKey and AutoHotkey. Example:
Allow you to paste an IP address into the IP connect dialog
Allow you to paste text into the game
Disable the Windows Keys so you don't get kicked to desktop when you accidentially press them
Allow you spot using the cammo rose while flying by pressing a button on your joystick
Allow you to use your HAT on your joystick to mouselook around (common in any other game)
Allow you to say, "I'm sorry," using the cammo rose while using a joystick
Type pre-canned phrases into chat, like "There's a claymore around the corner" or "Enemy near the Hotel" in squad or team chat.
Because the game doesn't have a Queue to log into servers, having it double click on a server and then press the OK button in the Dialog-Full dialog box
Press a single key to drop a claymore/c4/med pack or supply bag and then switch back to your main weapon
These are just a sample of legitimate uses of macros. To 'fix' prone spamming just make HARD-CODED delays at the server. Or when someone clicks 20 times per second, ignore the clicks at the server end or even the client side and put a maximum number of clicks per second like 3 or 4 - really simple programming.
So if Autohotkey is banned, what other freeware program will be next?
a can of worms is truley open!!!!