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About }DR{Black_Hawk

  • Birthday 01/05/1963

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    El Paso, Texas, United States

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    Devil's Rejects
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  1. This is an ongoing problem, brought this up to |RA| Respected Admins a long time ago. All what I got was " buy one yourself", as long there are no ways to detect keybinds on a Nostramo, we have to live with it, or not. "Our Server, our money, our rules". A motto we go by, and have no problems with it. ;)
  2. More Info about this violation can be found below: http://www.punksbusted.com/forums/index.ph...1&hl=#80023
  3. Willkommen bei PBBans. Du hast die richtige Entscheidung getroffen. ;)
  4. I see those all the time. Nothing fishy about it. After you set the sample rate to 1 - rets will appear normal, no worries about the ss. ;)
  5. I only have a ProtectedTag List from the RVS Community. It's a start. protected.cfg Add following line to your pbsv.cfg: pb_sv_task 120 -1 pb_sv_load protected.cfg //Loads tag protection
  6. Unfortunately these days you don't need a lot of Computer knowledge. All what you need is google cheats for the game your playing. A lot of theses young players do that even before they install the game itself. :angry: One of these days they will realize that they can't cheat their way through life and they will become respected players, if it's not already too late.
  7. True, I'm not saying they aren't doing a good job. It's just how they handle things. I like the way things are done at PBBans. Two thumbs up!!!
  8. PBBans is a good choice. ;) The "other" site, well.........no comment. Only had bad experience with them. The PBBans Motto says it all. This is the place to be.
  9. First of all, you want to provide your gamers a clean server. When your server is streaming you will keep cheaters off your server. And, if they cheat on one server, they will cheat mostlikely on every server. So you have the choice, a clean server that people like, or one "don't go there, only hackers play on that server". It's completely up to you. IMO, whatever it takes to keep the gaming community clean......... ;)
  10. A GUID is like your Social Security Number, it's yours and yours alone. If you share it, and this other person gets busted.......guess what? You're busted too. ;)
  11. Dang, you guys are fast. :D Thanks!
  12. Server IP: Server Port : 7777 Game : RavenShield Clan Tag : }DR{
  13. I think that's a great idea. I don't want any cheaters in my clan. It doesn't matter in which game they got caught. Cheating is a bad habbit that doesn't stop at a perticular game. Imo, once a cheater, always a cheater. :angry:
  14. That's the right way, and I appreciate this procedure. That's how it should be. I've seen a lot of people banned for no real reason, a false positive. ;)
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