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Everything posted by Rotten

  1. well he wont get his name on pbbans.com's banlist even though you post a ss in the forums and upload a video to youtube..
  2. you gotta be alteast admin for a server..
  3. Better then banning Portugal though :lol:
  4. Never heard about "Illegal pb guid".
  5. http://www.pbbans.com/globalban.php Depends on how noob the admin is. I wouldnt ban for black pbss' But one thing is for sure, EB will not give you a global guid/hardware ban for it.
  6. lol
  7. Like AcE said..This is a funny pbss: http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f226/nat...unny/driver.jpg Ban by slot number has nothing to do with guid. Never heard about illegal pb guid either.. Shouldnt be to hard to tell if you have seen it.
  8. And heres another "striptease" for you. http://kojakdaily.blogspot.com/2008/02/striptease.html#links
  9. Its a known cheat cvar. And I doubt you will get anymore info from the pbbans staff. Try ask your clanmembers ;)
  10. http://kojakdaily.blogspot.com/2008/01/video.html
  11. Why dont post your pb config here. Maybe some pro's can see if there are any "bugs" ;)
  12. I have it on x360. and i think it good. but the best part by the game is Krystal Forscutt :wub:
  13. To answer his question.. If you ban a player in RTCW:ET by IP he will only be banned in that game. Pbbans do not ban by IP, but by guid.
  14. Best thing you can do is to get your server streaming to pbbans. As RodeoBob said "Posting of screenshots for opinions is held in the private area of the forums.....reserved for Streaming Game Admin" Takes like 2 minutes to get your server streaming.
  15. Ofcourse ^^
  16. Rotten


    Ello all :) These two clips are from a norwegian tv-show that was on norwegian tv two years ago. I just want to know what the rest of europe thinks about it. Since the rights for this show has been sold to 5-6 other european nations. http://youtube.com/watch?v=44yO9QzUzF8&feature=related
  17. Too few of us...
  18. Yep. Unless EvenBalance says something else. Check at www.evenbalance.com Do pb_sv_writecfg in console
  19. Console version wasnt as good is I was hoping..
  20. Overclocked maybe? btw..posts that start with "a friend of mine" makes me kinda happy. Makes me think that people really care for eash other. Atleast some placebo effect.. :P
  21. Same thing happend to me. I really trusted Punkbuster. Thought they could bust every cheat there is. Then I got my server streaming and busted alot more!! I dont know exactly how much, but over 100%.. thats for sure. I learned more ways to bust and got new tools to bust. Any server admin that want to have a cheat-free server should stream to pbbans.com. pbbans.com are the best place to stream.
  22. Find your guid by activating PB, open console and type /pb_myguid Read This
  23. ahh.. Thanks I havent been much active at the forums lately. Couse of the military. ( yesterday was my last day in green ;) ) So im not into the team accont yet :)
  24. Upgrade Unexist! to SGA?? :)
  25. When I first came to pbbans.com, (think it was late in -05) this site looked for me very childish, but now it look much much more professional then that time. And I have seen pbbans.com have grown to be in my eyes the superior anti-cheat site there is. When I get my servers up and running again I will get my server streaming to pbbans.com asap!
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