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Everything posted by Rotten

  1. The Master Ban Index here at pbbans is more like a criminal record. If you kill a man when your 18 it might burn your ass the rest off your life, and that will always be on your criminal record. Same with cheaters, we put there name, guid etc on a list so that all server admins who want to can ban busted hackers. And the cheaters name will always be there.
  2. pb_myguid in console
  3. Hub Game: CoD:UO Clantag: The Harbor
  4. If you cant find your guid in any ban list at anti cheat sites like this. (punksbusted, pbbans etc) you have been "lucky". If you dont use any kinds off hacks, you should compleatly delete your game and install it all over again and see if that helps. edit: you dont have to join a server to get your guid. Just start the game.
  5. Replace the CoDUOMP.exe file I dont know where you can find a working one right now, but try google it ;) I will see if I can find a link for you later.
  6. Yes, its possible to change motd messages via rcon. I suggest you change your rcon pass and reboot your server.
  7. I would guess its a TS2 overlay. I got one similar some months ago of a close friend, but it was just a overlay.
  8. I know there is a way to auto kick people that swear by making a .cfg and add certain lines to it..But I dont remember how. I have never used it though, but I found the "how to" in a cod forum somewhere..
  9. For a BOT, not an aimbot
  10. Yes. 16 march 2006 edit: 17 march 2006...close enough =/
  11. Heres the ban info: http://www.pbbans.com/mbi.php?action=5&ban_id=9742 Pbbans does not deside what the admins shall ban for.
  12. I doubt it got appealed. We dont really care who use the cd-key. But if it got appealed, admins can still have the guid baned by using old ban lists, where your guid is still on. If it didnt get appealed you are baned from all servers that use www.pbbans.com's ban list. Prior kick/ban simply mean that you have been kicked or baned from the server you are playing on. Either by punkbuster or admin. You can check if your still on our banlist here: http://www.pbbans.com/mbi.php pb_myguid in console to get your guid
  13. But anyways...We all gotta agree all the other sites are doing a great job too! Even though some sites are better :P
  14. +1 !!!!
  15. I have heard that if you play on ranked bf2 servers, pb kick you if you have multiple acconts running at the same time. It might be this who is the problem..maybe. I dont know really. lol. Atleast its an answer
  16. Close enough..lol
  17. Becouse he havent been busted with cheats. If you want to know his aliases, IP etc you need his full 32 digit guid and take a search in the MBI3.
  18. Nothing to be sorry about :) Its just that punkbuster have lost contact with the client. Nothing to worry about.
  19. I would say he is to tall to behind the wall..the closer the taller. =/
  20. Delete fozzers post to. He quoted. ;)
  21. I doubt its the harddrive you have to buy new. EB is smarter then that. =/
  22. Read this: http://evenbalance.com/index.php?page=privacy.php Its not illegal. You can choose to not use punkbuster.
  23. Now change your rcon password before mean people do mean stuff to your server. :)
  24. I agree. But most important. Do NOT publish your rcon password in a public forum.
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