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Everything posted by viziouz

  1. Worked without a hitch this time. Next time it gives me headaches I'll try your suggestions. Thanks fellas.
  2. Since the forum upgrade I cannot use the [Mark forums read] links at the bottom of the site. Everytime I do I get the following error:
  3. Sorry to hear that, Airborne. I hope you'll recover soon.
  4. Just a suggestion. Sometimes I want to do a quick check in the MPi. If I happen to do that on a different pc I logged in from last time, I get the guest lookup (need to enter captcha and whatnot). Unfortunately there is no way to login from that page (or any other page except the forum). So maybe instead of showing you are not logged in (underneath the donation button), you can show a login field. That way we don't need to go to the forum to login and then return to the previous page to search what we were looking for.
  5. Helaas is een nieuw spel kopen de enige mogelijkheid om opnieuw te kunnen spelen. Ik betwijfel het dat PBB hun database gaan aanpassen voor wat jouw member is overkomen.
  6. Congrats, PBBans.
  7. He's banned at AON too: ban info. If he appeals there, he'll get to hear the same story as here. AON ban appeals -> click here.
  8. Global bans are handled by EB. And that GUID is globally banned by PB, not one of the AC sites. I'm not sure why it doesn't show the global ban in the MPI.
  9. I can't see any bans on your name, not even a global PB ban.
  10. Zo te zien heb je [Announce New Bans] aangevinkt. Alle nieuwe bans van PBBans worden dan in de console van je server aangekondigd. Wil je dit niet, dan moet je het vinkje voor[Announce New Bans] verwijderen in je server management. Al die bans die je ziet zijn niet van jouw server(s), de totale aantal bans van jouw server(s) is 65.
  11. It's a global GUID ban by EvenBalance/PunkBuster. You should contact them, although the chance is slim that they'll remove the ban.
  12. I would like to see a bbcode output
  13. This is great news. Both [sF] servers are forwarding to AA Repo Depot.
  14. Nice job Air. Hopefully PBB will allow log forwarding to the Repo Depot soon.
  15. Are there any problems with log forwarding to AON or is everything running normal?
  16. Clanleader profile: http://www.xk1llax.com/profile.php?lookup=2
  17. =BLACKWOLF= is right, you are not banned here, so it's probably a local ban by one of the server admins.
  18. Is your server streaming?
  19. There is a new hack out there that let the hacker get control over the server. And I mean total control, with no way to ban them through the admin panel or remote login. He doesn't need the admin password.
  20. The way we have it on our server is as follows: A file named pbwebtool.cfg is created with the following content: Replace the ***'s with the port number of your choice, the IP of your server and the webkey (password). Make sure you have that cfg loaded everytime you start the server.
  21. You aren't banned here, so it's probably a local ban from the clan running the server.
  22. You are not banned here at PBBans, but at AON. You'll have to appeal your ban there: http://www.airdaleops.com/
  23. In that case, thanks again Foxdie
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