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Everything posted by viziouz

  1. And pretty soon has already past. I have access again. Thanks for the help Sis and other PBB staff.
  2. I know about the [HAZARD] tool, used it before I had access to the AON tool and I'm in fact still using it. But as Siskin wrote in the AA forum, AON won't share it's logs with ACI anymore, meaning that the ACI tool won't have the AON logs entries.Log forwarding did give you public access to AON tool, as I had access to it before without being a private member. Thanks for the info, foxdie.
  3. Is there a problem with the log forwarding to AON? One of the advantages is the use of AON's background check tool. Since yesterday I noticed I do not have access to that tool, so I just wanted to know if there might be a problem here at PBBans or if it's a server side problem.
  4. Can I please have FTP access to the PunkBuster screenshot folder?
  5. viziouz


    ROFL, I liked the last one.
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