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Posts posted by Benway

  1. well i enter /r_detailTextures 0, it does nothing.....but when i do /r_detailTextures = 0 it soemtiems works and soemtimes it does nothing?!?....and i have no idea wut ur talkin about wiht the file mod config..w/e

    Try the following method: it's bit complicated but worked for me to get rid of r_uifullscreen kicks 4eva (simmilar prob in rtcw)



    Search your ET gamefolder (include subdirs!) for *.cfg to check if r_detailTextures is set to 1 somewhere.

    Remove write protection (if existing) and edit to "0"



    set r_detailTextures "0" (cfg) sets a value

    seta r_detailTextures "0" (cfg) sets 'permanently'


    /seta r_detailTextures 0 (console) note where quotation marks are used/not used.





    "The PB Method" :

    - was adapted from Punkbuster Problems & Fixes (see end of post "Problem: "Warning Cvar r_uiFullscreen (=1) must be EQUAL TO 0"...)

    • Create (or edit - add accordinly) a file pbcl.cfg in the subdirectory "pb" of your ET game folder, content:

      // pbcl.cfg -- goes to  ET-Folder/pb/pbcl.cfg 
      pb_autoexec pbgame.cfg



    • Create (or edit) a file pbgame.cfg in the subdirectory "etmain" of your ET game folder, content:

      // pbgame.cfg -- goes to ET-Folder/etmain/pbgame.cfg 
      r_detailTextures "0" 
      seta r_detailTextures "0"  // not sure this line is needed - but it dont harm :)



    • Edit or create autoexec.cfg in ET-Folder/etmain/ and add/edit the line

      seta r_detailTextures "0"



    • Delete all r_detailTextures lines in all .cfg files in all ET subfolders, especially if there are any autoexec.cfg in existance yet.




    If the problem stays, though i doubt it (already waistbelt plus suspenders) try the quick & dirty fix: create a shortcut to your ET.exe by right-Mouse-drag-n-drop [create shortcut here], edit shortcut by [ALT]+Enter and add +set r_detailTextures 0 and save changes [Ok].

    Use the shortcut instead of ET.exe (on desktop, start-menu, game browsers etc.)


    e.g.: ["C:\Program Files\RtCW_ET\ET.exe" +set r_detailTextures 0 ]


  2. Cus it should be up to SGA's choice to run stock file checks - as PBBans don't bans for violations on stock files anyways - with 533 hack MD5 checks defined overall it was usefull to make some selection anyhand (e.g. depending on used mod), otherwise with pb_sv_md5toolfreq 60 they should be all run through after just 9 hours :lol:

  3. Feel free to include below Soldier of Fortune 2 stock file scans in your pb/pbsvuser.cfg;

    as all stock file checks are removed from MCI from now on.

    Note the position of pb_sv_md5toolempty (issue only once):



    // ****{ CLEAR MD5's }****
    // ****{ OPTIONAL SOF2 STOCK FILES FOR 1.03 GOLD }****
    pb_sv_md5tool w "1.03" v sof2mp.exe SZ1572917 AT0 LEN16 C8418A9182D7E50B0FC84369B706C735
    // ****{ SOF2 STOCK FILES FOR 1.03 GOLD }****
    pb_sv_md5tool a "1.03" v base/maps.pk3 SZ102985472 AT0 LEN16 A553B7DCAEE29BD402CE298E47B62D7A
    pb_sv_md5tool a "1.03" v base/models.pk3 SZ96636622 AT0 LEN16 8D12FE034B07C672E911760061FE07D4
    pb_sv_md5tool a "1.03" v base/mp.pk3 SZ31722385 AT0 LEN16 EEBC59620F92C4F96A0FAFB3B933083A
    pb_sv_md5tool a "1.03" v base/musicandsound.pk3 SZ191252236 AT0 LEN16 A4C6FC3755519895F7F4D06E059AE65B
    pb_sv_md5tool a "1.03" v base/textures0.pk3 SZ413194735 AT0 LEN16 C8EA154D4C1631CC610AA5B3CE676C23
    pb_sv_md5tool a "1.03" v base/textures1234.pk3 SZ164152653 AT0 LEN16 3D6382B5AF1B942B1CA232B7896BD359
    pb_sv_md5tool a "1.03" v base/therest.pk3 SZ69463128 AT0 LEN16 B3E0557942CD01E84BC4642366E17F3C
    pb_sv_md5tool a "1.03" v base/update101.pk3 SZ9668867 AT0 LEN16 8CD89D0281B879DC3DAFF6691A09F9C8
    pb_sv_md5tool a "1.03" v base/update102.pk3 SZ18549884 AT0 LEN16 D9177A838CC3531A4AB92BD26D44DE05
    pb_sv_md5tool a "1.03" v base/update103.pk3 SZ12886903 AT0 LEN16 F89E65EECB13F2C5E407289D308AF545
    pb_sv_md5tool a "1.03" v base/skins.pk3 SZ73241493 AT0 LEN16 1CA6E8D2647BF33400CB38E8B2A901EB
    // the output of http://www.pbbans.com/mci.php?action=2&game_id=6 goes here: 
    // NOTE: move pb_sv_md5toolempty to top of pbsvuser.cfg 
    // ****************************************
    // *******{ Soldier of Fortune II }********
    // **********{ PBBans MD5 List }***********
    // ****************************************
    // ******{last updated ...		 }*******
    // ****************************************
    // ****{ SET SCAN FREQUENCY }****
    pb_sv_md5toolfreq 60
    // ****{ CLEAR MD5's }****
    // **************************************
    // ****{ PBBANS SoF2 CHEAT MD5 LIST }****
    // **************************************



    try (/RCon) pb_sv_uconlist , server reply should be this:


    PunkBuster Server: [slot] [Type] [Mask] [Name]

    PunkBuster Server: 1 1 pbbans

    PunkBuster Server: End of PB UCON Profile List (1 Entry)


    if it is not:

    - check if pbucon.use is present in /pb dir

    - (/RCon) pb_sv_restart


    check again (/RCon) pb_sv_uconlist




  5. Since a few of my members jumped out and updated and now cant join the server i'm looking at updating to v1.08. question is will this affect the md5 checks from the Master MD5 Library or my hub stream in anyway

    As far as you remove all stockfile MD5 checks (or replace with new ones matching the patched files) i see no probs.

    The contents of pbbans MDL (discontinued now) in pbsvuser.cfg can stay as given for all Versions.

  6. as said for et.exe:


    /RCon pb_sv_md5toollist command will output to the server console all file checks in the PB Server's current working set (each with a slot#).


    /RCon pb_sv_md5tooldel command will delete a specific file check in memory (using the slot# shown by pb_sv_md5toollist).




    ignoring MD5Tool Queries can be a network problem, try to tweak pb_sv_md5toolfreq in RCon in case the server kicks for it all the time. Be aware some kicks are normal, mostly after players connect and get kicked b4 pb got his ass up:


    /RCon pb_sv_md5toolfreq ... returns the current setting, e.g. 30 (default value)



    /RCon pb_sv_md5toolfreq 50 ... lowers the frequency of md5tool scans a bit, thus clients get more time to respond.



    When you use a Rcon tool like HSWL or Rcon Unlimited omit all /Rcon

  7. Well first off if AASA's policy is "stream to us and no one else" that is solely their decision. Not very much to respond really as long this is stated clearly, accept it and stream to AASA, or not and decide for mulitistreaming and joining the "spirit of co-operation".


    The point that bothers me is rather is the question how aware AA admins are they are allowed to stream 12 hours via hub, that is funny isn't it, or am i missing something? Why is it in a cfg in a cryptic form most admins will oversee, and quite a few will not understand?

  8. pb_sv_task 208 43200 pb_sv_uconempty

    i.e. stop all hub streaming after 12 hours, huh? :S


    Like I posted on AON and ACi,in my opinion a combined response from all anti-cheat communities involved in dual streaming/log forwarding is necessary


    imo this has to be a clear point to every streaming admin, or it will cause problems all AC sites (but aasa) will have to deal with - LoL!


    thanks for heads-up

  9. ok thanks!!! anything else i need to do so it works right????

    When you'r happy with steaming via Rep Your Server streaming to PBBans , no. :)


    All yet recommended is to check out the Master Bans Index (MBI) http://www.pbbans.com/mbi.php --[you can find all links on PBBans start page after logging in, click Forums Link 'Visit our Website' top left]-- to update your servers banlist, e.g. by using the Master Bans Index (MBI) Generation Utility (alternative is jPAT) and check for new bans on a regular base. (Hub streamers can get this auto by using Live Banning click me)



    If you wish to run advanced scans using PBBans Master CVAR Library (MCL) & Master MD5 Library (MDL), a quick how-to can be found Here & Here.


    See the pinned topics in Streaming Game Admin Private Area subforum as well B)

  10. Rate settings and restrictions depend on game and when it was released, i.e. what type of connections were common at the time - default value of ET is: Rate 5000 LoL - and on server side setting sv_maxRate, i doubt a higher rate setting helps anyway...


    anyway rate is a usefull tweak (change it in console) to get a smooth connection, nothing to do with cheat.


    http://ucguides.savagehelp.com/ConnectionF...ameSpecific.htm see quake3 section for old q3engine games like ET/Rtcw ...


    Edit: forgot in ETpro things are slighly diff (antilag) search http://www.splashdamage.com/index.php?name...&file=index and http://bani.anime.net/banimod/forums/index.php


    happy reading :P

  11. Just lookie here and reconsider if the whole "beta-testing at own risk" is worth the headache; this thread answers most questions, incl. it's no matter of trust, only evenbalance can resolve cases like that via trouble-ticket, till eb hands out a false positive confirmation a corresponding ban has to stay.

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