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Everything posted by RocknRoll

  1. Howdy.
  2. So SHOULD pb_sv_cvar r_intensity be set? As a range? What SHOULD the range be? I tested the example ( pb_sv_cvar r_intensity IN 1 1.5 ) on my server and 6 of us ( 4 Clan, 2 Regulars ) got hit for being at "0".
  3. Are you suggesting that these be set? ( from the PBBans Cvar List )
  4. Sorry if I'm late, Foxdie. :mellow: Happy Birthday!!
  5. Thanks RodeoBob. Yes I did get your PM. What's this "Team Account" and How do I get to it? :D Thanks again!
  6. PBBans Hub CoD2 =GG=
  7. Thanks, foxdie. :)
  8. :concur: I've seen it too. Random people. Even myself and other clan members.
  9. So it should make the file ( pbalias.dat ) automatically? But the only dat files in my pb folder are: pbns.dat pbsv.dat :huh:
  10. When I took over the PB responsibilities for our server the PB config was already set for Alias management: pb_sv_aliasfn // Path to where the pbalias.dat is located. // Blank is default location/pb/ pb_sv_AliasAutoload 1 // 0 = no, 1 = yes // PB will load from Alias database ( pbalias.dat ) after each // map change pb_sv_AliasMax 5 // (0 to 99)Max number of alias per GUID that is tracked. pb_sv_AliasMaxEnforce 1 // If set to 1 then PB will kick players who execeed the // pb_sv_AliasMax number. But there is NO pbalias.dat in the pb folder. How do I get PB to log aliases? Thanks.
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