When I took over the PB responsibilities for our server the PB config was already set for
Alias management:
pb_sv_aliasfn // Path to where the pbalias.dat is located.
// Blank is default location/pb/
pb_sv_AliasAutoload 1 // 0 = no, 1 = yes
// PB will load from Alias database ( pbalias.dat ) after each
// map change
pb_sv_AliasMax 5 // (0 to 99)Max number of alias per GUID that is tracked.
pb_sv_AliasMaxEnforce 1 // If set to 1 then PB will kick players who execeed the
// pb_sv_AliasMax number.
But there is NO pbalias.dat in the pb folder.
How do I get PB to log aliases?