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Everything posted by RocknRoll

  1. Those 3 Flags will not do anything to your configs. They all work at the Hub not your server. ;)
  2. Yo, Bob, now that you is a celebrity and all does this mean we're going to start seeing your mug in those paparazzi mags in the grocery store check out lines. :lol: Nice interview, by the way.
  3. cg_draw shellshock is not in the "CoD2 recommended configs" here or from PunksBusted.
  4. Name it what ever you want and have your server config start it. Add: exec mynewpbsvname.cfg Edit - Sorry didn't read your whole post :rolleyes: Put the pbsv.cfg and your newlynamed.cfg both in the "main folder" and upload different server.cfgs with the appropriate "exec line" to run the pb.cfg you want to run. My best guess.
  5. I knew it was simple, but my Alzheimer's kicked in I guess.
  6. I run "We stream our logs to PBBans and PunksBusted." I've been streaming for a year and you can see in my sig that I have no catches yet. My main purpose is to keep cheaters off MY server. If that simple message is doing the trick, then that makes my job a whole lot easier.
  7. PB_SV_ProtectTag 1 =GG= Thanks, Medic.
  8. Ya, the "double Dat file" was the first thing I checked. :BigB:
  9. Could someone enlighten me on how to "Filter" the Game Browser to find "Ranked" servers? Thanks.
  10. [02.26.2008 19:36:35] New Connection (slot #9) ##.##.##.###:##### [****************************571f] "=GG= TERM" (seq 1054018) [02.26.2008 19:36:35] 571f =GG= TERM (slot 9|1) *REGISTERED "=GG="(1) Certified Grey Guard Clan Member [02.26.2008 19:36:35] 571f =GG= TERM (slot 9|1) *REGISTERED "=GG="(1) Certified Grey Guard Clan Member Does anybody know why I may be getting the double entries?
  11. RocknRoll


    Cheat related
  12. pb_sv_SsCeiling: I have mine set at "10000" ( ten thousand ). Works great. PB_SV_LogCeiling I don't even have that in my config. Works great.
  13. That's the Server Admin. He has his server set so anyone joining his server will get "greeted".
  14. http://www.pbbans.com/information.php?page=starterguide
  15. And ONLY "cheat related" cvars
  16. They added them to their account. How they can do that if they do not own them/rent them themselves, I don't know. Both are streaming fine now by the way I would PM one of the Head Honchos and ask. One of the members that are Red or Blue When I search for them in-game they show up as {eVo} so I assume they belong to you.
  17. publicPBBans Hub Server Results Server Status Server is not streaming via Hub Server Info Clan Tag [E-Dom] Server IP Game Call of Duty 4 Data Last Received 23 hours, 3 mins ago Hub Options General None Log Forwarding None League [E-DOM] , match PBBans Hub Server Results Server Status Server is streaming via Hub Server Info Clan Tag [E-Dom] Server IP Game Call of Duty 4 Data Last Received 18 secs ago Hub Options General None Log Forwarding None League [E-DOM] ,
  18. Anyone can go to PBBans.com, scroll down and on the left there is a place to check a GUID to see if it is banned by PBBans. And a place to check to see if a server is streaming to PBBans. Or Streaming Game Admins can go to their Account Manager and click on View Servers
  19. Sure can, with no problems.
  20. The category is "Questions and Troubleshooting (Public)" You did not ask a question or suggest a problem.
  21. AliasFinder Forum Index [ Very helpful ] >> Spam Cheat Messages
  22. You do not need your pbbans.dat file for AliasFinder unless you are going to take that function away from PB and have AliasFinder do your banning for you.
  23. If they are getting kicked from your server, that means your server is set for players connecting to have the Cvar "r_lodscalerigid" to be set at something other than "2".
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