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Everything posted by RocknRoll

  1. And THAT is why you only get "Kicked" and NOT "Banned". You asked them "Why" and you were answered. If you don't want to get kicked, you need to loose the "tool". Evenbalance ( PunkBuster ) is supposed to help keep cheaters out. It's not supposed to be concerned with you being able to run every silly program you feel like running. It works fine if you are running what you NEED to be running in order to play the games. If you are running anything more and it works, GREAT!! If you are running more and it's not working, stop running it or don't play.
  2. Didn't you read? Hub is down, bad Hard drive.
  3. Consider yourself corrected, RW. hehehe 1. "Password" is correct? I'll assume yes, but you never know. You may have changed it and forgot. :D 2. Type the pb_regnamepartial "[WOLF]" "password" without the quotes, before you join a server. 3. Make sure a regname.dat appears in your pb folder
  4. First - Please stop the ALL CAPS. very annoying. Second - It's not a "Server" problem, it's a problem at the "Client/Player" end.
  5. ** Updated ** ==> protected.cfg `
  6. Sorry for the delay. Account has no servers. Once you have a server streaming, repost. "PwNdBy" Tag PwNdBy - www,PwNdBy-Networks.co.uk 2009-10-28 Team Status Team is Active Account ID 4926 Name PwndBy-Networks Tag PwndBy Servers Account has no servers
  7. Have you signed up for an account? http://www.pbbans.com/account_application.php
  8. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?sho...c=70175&hl=
  9. ** Updated ** ==> protected.cfg `
  10. I got the "d3dx9_37.dll not found" - fixed it. It won't let me have my name "RocknRoll" - already taken. Whatever. When joining a server - game crashes Direct3DDevice9:: Present failed: Driver internal error I won't be getting this game. :angry:
  11. I'm guessing Master Server problem. I noticed the "no GUIDs" yesterday on a couple CoD2's. Just checked them again and it's working now.
  12. EvenBalance.com >> Name Registry >> Search Registrations Hmmm... :scratchchin: My last post was a "copy/paste" New search... "hugin" Name My unique gamer tag over many years of online gaming. Jan Erik Bakstad 2009-10-09 :dunno: Added pb_sv_protectname 1 hugin //[ Expires 2009-10-09 ] ** Updated ** ==> protected.cfg
  13. ==> Name Registry Sorry, no matches found for hugin ==> protected.cfg
  14. ** Updated ** ==> protected.cfg
  15. This will get you close..... http://www.pbbans.com/mbi.php find your game and click "Customize"
  16. @ ENGLISH- jimbouk1977 This list is the full up-to-date list for around here. I voluntarily took over when =TCM= Anti-medic dissappeared. I try go through it weekly and check for new adds, expires, and run through the list and verify streaming and the games. If you are not "Registered @ EB" AND "Streaming to PBBans", you don't get added to or stay on this list. Change log is provided so you can see what I changed and why. Games listed are based mostly on what are streaming via the accounts and are provided to assist you with which ones you want on the list you put on your servers. Some may only want "CoD4" protected on their "CoD4" etc. Done ** Updated ** ==> protected.cfg
  17. [quote name='n1o
  18. Have you tried your "Filter" settings?
  19. Just HAD to be different; didn't you, Merlin? :lol: ** Updated ** ==> protected.cfg
  20. Your "tag" is not registered. Sorry, no matches found for -TSF- http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=registry.php
  21. Both of them hot AND fast. :lol:
  22. You've been on there since April. :)
  23. ** Updated ** ==> protected.cfg
  24. The one problem with the NameLock function is that I believe it is very specific. pb_sv_NameLock 1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef =GG= RocknRoll >> Nobody can sign in as "=GG= RocknRoll" without that GUID. >> But someone could still be"=GG=RocknRoll" ( no space ) >> But someone could still be"^1=^7GG^1= ^4RocknRoll"
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